Aug 3rd, 2018

Cicada x ‘Berlin: Symphony of a Great City’ at 澳門國際紀錄片電影節 MOIDF

Aug 3rd, 2018

Cicada x ‘Berlin: Symphony of a Great City’ at 澳門國際紀錄片電影節 MOIDF

Cicadaがマカオで開催中の国際ドキュメンタリーフィルム・フェスティバルMOIDFのクロージングで、映画「Berlin: Symphony of a Great City」に合わせたコンサートを開催。マカオでのCicadaのコンサートは初めてとなります。

【閉幕音樂會 x 經典單元:Cicada x 《柏林﹕城市交響曲》】
4/8 (Sat) 20:00
Cicada 成軍於2009年,是台灣的音樂組合,以鋼琴、木吉他、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴五種樂器交織共奏。取名為「蟬」(Cicada)是因人們往往因聲音察覺到蟬,而非首先看見其形體。是次為Cicada 首次來澳演出,這特備節目也只演一場不容錯過, 地點是澳門崗頂劇院
柏林城市交響曲 這公映於1927年的黑白 B&W、無對白影片,帶領觀眾穿越柏林的一天: 從清晨的空曠街頭、火車逐漸進城,到忙碌起來的機器、前去上班的不同階層,再到夜裡下班後的歌舞昇平,電影以充滿韻律的節奏編織影像,在這座流動的城市中,種種人事物就像一個個音符,共同奏響一首名為「城市」的交響曲 。

Cicada will be playing the closing concert  for ‘Berlin: Symphony of a Great City’ at Macau International Documentary Festival 2018 (MOIDF2018) tomorrow at Teatro Dom Pedro V.…/Program…/closing-berlin

Cicada was formed in 2009, consisting of violin, cello, acoustic guitar, and piano. It was named after the insect cicada, because human beings usually recognize its existence by noticing their sound instead of forms.
It is Cicada’s first time in Macau, one performance only.

“Berlin: Symphony of a Great City”, was a 1927 B&W, no dialogue documentary film, capturing the everyday life of Berlin in motion: from empty streets in the early morning with the slow arrival of trains, to the busy machines and people going to work, followed by various leisure activities after work in the evening.

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