11/8日本時間22:00〜Worldwide FM「OTO NOVA JAPAN / 音の波」でNoahのゲストミックスが放送。ラジオ冒頭ではSparrows「Moon」も。Noah「Thirty」はWorldwide FMのAlbum Of The Weekに選ばれています。
Noah’s guest mix on Worldwide FM ‘oto nova japan 音の波’ today.
Friday, 8 November⋅1:00 – 3:00pm (GMT), 22.00-24.00 (JST)
Mari presents new music and a guest mix comes from Japanese artist and composer Noah. The mix includes variety of inspirational songs of her latest album ‘Thirty’.
‘Thirty’ is out on flau was Worldwide FM’s album of the week.
photo by Takehito Goto