Motohiro Nakashima

広島県福山市出身のギタリスト中島基裕は、10代前半からギターを弾き始め、18歳から作曲を開始。関西での活動を経て、現在は地元福山を拠点に活動中。これまでに複数のレーベルから3枚のアルバムをリリースしているほか、映画や劇伴の音楽を担当、自身のレーベルNovemberを主宰している。FLAUからリリースされる最新作「Gathering The Light」は、アコースティック・ギターをはじめとする多数の楽器とゲストプレイヤーを招き、家庭的で素朴な雰囲気を醸し出している。


Hailing from Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, ambient guitarist Motohiro Nakashima has been playing guitar since his early teens and, from the age of 18, he began to write music. Today based in Nara, Nakashima has so far released three albums with several different labels, scored music for various films and taishū engeki (Japan’s so-called “light theatre”) and runs his own label, November. His latest release for flau, Gathering The Light, focuses on acoustic guitar and a range of other organic instruments, helping to create a uniquely homespun, rustic feeling that matches up to Nakashima’s emotional intent for the album.



And I Went To Sleep (lo recordings, 2004)
I Dreamt Constellation Sang (loaf, 2006)
We Hum On The Way Home (schole, 2009)


his definition of nighttime’s backdrop differs from moment to moment, forever morphing into something alien but strangely comforting – Popmatters

Nakashima has a clear gift for weaving multiple lines of melancholic character into soothing, five-minute set-pieces – Textura

Motohiro Nakashima brings together a stripped down and radiant bland of electronic composition and acoustic tinkering…simmering warmth – Boomkat

sometimes reminiscent of Aphex Twin’s ambient works and sometimes of Mogwai or Susumu Yokota. It fills the space beautifully. His music is warm, intimate and relaxed – Lo Recordings

melodic & thoughtful electronica with the emphasis on melody & prettyness… really emotive and moving – Norman Records


his definition of nighttime’s backdrop differs from moment to moment, forever morphing into something alien but strangely comforting – Popmatters

Nakashima has a clear gift for weaving multiple lines of melancholic character into soothing, five-minute set-pieces – Textura

Motohiro Nakashima brings together a stripped down and radiant bland of electronic composition and acoustic tinkering…simmering warmth – Boomkat

sometimes reminiscent of Aphex Twin’s ambient works and sometimes of Mogwai or Susumu Yokota. It fills the space beautifully. His music is warm, intimate and relaxed – Lo Recordings

melodic & thoughtful electronica with the emphasis on melody & prettyness… really emotive and moving – Norman Records

Motohiro Nakashima


広島県福山市出身のギタリスト中島基裕は、10代前半からギターを弾き始め、18歳から作曲を開始。関西での活動を経て、現在は地元福山を拠点に活動中。これまでに複数のレーベルから3枚のアルバムをリリースしているほか、映画や劇伴の音楽を担当、自身のレーベルNovemberを主宰している。FLAUからリリースされる最新作「Gathering The Light」は、アコースティック・ギターをはじめとする多数の楽器とゲストプレイヤーを招き、家庭的で素朴な雰囲気を醸し出している。


Hailing from Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, ambient guitarist Motohiro Nakashima has been playing guitar since his early teens and, from the age of 18, he began to write music. Today based in Nara, Nakashima has so far released three albums with several different labels, scored music for various films and taishū engeki (Japan’s so-called “light theatre”) and runs his own label, November. His latest release for flau, Gathering The Light, focuses on acoustic guitar and a range of other organic instruments, helping to create a uniquely homespun, rustic feeling that matches up to Nakashima’s emotional intent for the album.


Dec 10th, 2021

Motohiro Nakashima interivew by Still Listening Magazine

Dec 1st, 2021

Motohiro Nakashima – “Gathering The Light” OUT TODAY

福山出身のギタリスト12年ぶりのニューアルバムは、暗闇の中の光、憂いの中の美を求める普遍的な気持ちを表現したという多幸感溢れるカラフルなサウンドスケープ。フィンガーピッキングのギターが紡ぐ豊かな旋律に、ゲストのARAKI Shinが手が……

Nov 18th, 2021

Motohiro Nakashima’s new single “The End Isn’t the End” out now

12/1発売となるMotohiro Nakashimaのニューアルバム「Gathering The Light」より、「The End Isn't the End」を公開しました。The New York Times制作のドキュメンタリ……

Nov 6th, 2021

Motohiro Nakashima announces new album Gathering The Light

広島出身のギタリスト中島基裕、12年ぶりのニューアルバム「Gathering The Light」を12/1にリリース。アルバムより尾道の映...