the nation’s premier label for hushed music – Pitchfork
Flau releases are sonically quite diverse, from acoustic folk to dream pop and complex drum experiments. And though eclectic, never before has a label’s oeuvre come together to so closely sound the way a cherry blossom looks – The FADER
one of the biggest names in the world of really small sounds…the perfect soundtrack to a Sunday evening – Timeout Tokyo
consistently impressive – XLR8R
Flau has associated itself with a signature sound…association with Flau suggests a superior level of pop craftsmanship…What’s remarkable about Fukuzono’s project, which launched at the end of 2006, is that he’s achieved quality control without uniformity – exclaim!
Flau has shown that sometimes silence beats flashiness – METROPOLIS Magazine
flau seem to have a magic touch; everything they put out..has a celestial, positively glowing aura about it that has us longing for more..sonically the label is incredibly diverse, but what its releases share in common are a playful curiosity, an unmatchable quality and a genre-bending commitment to evoking time and space within their sounds – DUMMY
Flau label casts its net across a worldwide community of artists with a particular affection for fragile arrangements and microscopic songwriting…A reliable resource for all the finest, quirkiest exploratory electronic pop music – Boomkat
it combines genuine emotion with a sense of playfulness – Fluid Radio
everyone’s favourite Japanese label and, of course, we make no exception – Going Solo
constantly surprising, consistently stunning – Dummy
un monde de l’infiniment fragile et doux – Ondefixe
one of our favourite labels – Textura
Flau are one of those unassuming labels, which since 2007 have been quietly making their way in the world releasing a diverse range of high quality albums…their roster of international artists blend field recordings, acoustic instruments, microsounds, and voice, in a sound that has become truly synonymous with the label – Furthernoise
worth finding – Foxy Digitalis
grow, pushing boundaries and releasing gems – Drifting, Almost Falling
An inner experience and pure fascination to little things concept and microscopic sounds. FLAU is the latest Label Of The Moment – Otsechka
the Tokyo label’s dreamy and cinematic aesthetic seems tailor-made for two favourite hobbies: idleness and letting the imagination run wild – Solar Flares
This label collects very particular artists from all over the world all under one roof that eclectically holds them together. Each artist is so unique, that you would like to read a whole book about them – PonyDanceClyde
2008-09 London, Cafe OTO
2009-09 Melbourne, Toff In Town
2010-08 Berlin, Altes Finanzamt
2012-05 Malaysia, Black Box Map
2012-05 Macau, LMA
2012-05 China Tour Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou
2012-06 Tokyo, Fujimigaoka Church & VACANT
2012-06 Kyoto, Metro
2013-04 London, Cafe OTO
2013-04 Berlin, Antje Øklesund
2013-12 Tokyo, VACANT
2016-03 Tokyo, VACANT
Release Date: DIGITAL: Sep 25th / LP: Oct 9th 2024
80年代のテレビCMやトレンディドラマのワンシーンを思い起こさせるこのアルバムは、思い出の夏を引きずるシティボーイの悩みとアートな冒険を描いています。それはまるでタイムマシンに乗って、バブル時代のきらめくシティポップの世界へ旅立つような感覚。『In A Cocktail Glass』は、現代のシティポップ・ブームとは一線を画し、独自の「副都心ポップ」スタイルを貫いています。CRYSTALのポップ・サウンドは、少しひねりを効かせた「サブ・シティポップ」とも言える新たな試みで、懐かしさと新鮮さが同時に感じられるサウンドを提供します。
見よう見まねならぬ聞こう聞きまねで作り上げた副都心ポップ「Autumn Story〜秋 物 語〜」、プリファブ・スプラウト、ペットショップボーイズを彷彿とさせるHi-NRG Pop「One More Chance」など、話題を呼んだシングルを収録。カクテルグラスに映し出される切ないビジョンの断片集のような、80〜90年代のバブリーなシティポップを少しふざけながらもオマージュを楽しんだ遊び心溢れる作品に仕上がっています。
Tokyo’s synth duo, CRYSTAL, proudly announces the release of their third album, ‘In A Cocktail Glass.’ This album is a grand collaboration with the renowned lyricist Yutaka Takamatsu, resulting in a poignant and wistful urban pop and techno kayō explosion.
Inspired by 80s TV commercials and trendy dramas, this album tells the story of a city boy wrestling with memories of summer and embarking on artistic adventures. It’s like stepping into a time machine, whisking you away to the dazzling world of bubble-era city pop.
‘In A Cocktail Glass’ stands apart from the current city pop revival, maintaining CRYSTAL’s unique “Suburban Pop 副都心ポップ” style. Their sound, a twist on the conventional city pop, brings both nostalgia and freshness in equal measure. This playful homage to the bubbly city pop of the 80s and 90s is crafted with fragments of poignant visions reflected in a cocktail glass.
1. Winter Forever
2. Autumn Story3. Ballad Of A Handsome Man
4. One More Chance5. 少しだけCelebration
6. Polygon Beach
7. 彼女のオートバイ、彼の島8. Summer Forever
Release Date: DIGITAL: Sep 25th / LP: Oct 9th 2024
1. Winter Forever
2. Autumn Story3. Ballad Of A Handsome Man
4. One More Chance5. 少しだけCelebration
6. Polygon Beach
7. 彼女のオートバイ、彼の島8. Summer Forever
80年代のテレビCMやトレンディドラマのワンシーンを思い起こさせるこのアルバムは、思い出の夏を引きずるシティボーイの悩みとアートな冒険を描いています。それはまるでタイムマシンに乗って、バブル時代のきらめくシティポップの世界へ旅立つような感覚。『In A Cocktail Glass』は、現代のシティポップ・ブームとは一線を画し、独自の「副都心ポップ」スタイルを貫いています。CRYSTALのポップ・サウンドは、少しひねりを効かせた「サブ・シティポップ」とも言える新たな試みで、懐かしさと新鮮さが同時に感じられるサウンドを提供します。
見よう見まねならぬ聞こう聞きまねで作り上げた副都心ポップ「Autumn Story〜秋 物 語〜」、プリファブ・スプラウト、ペットショップボーイズを彷彿とさせるHi-NRG Pop「One More Chance」など、話題を呼んだシングルを収録。カクテルグラスに映し出される切ないビジョンの断片集のような、80〜90年代のバブリーなシティポップを少しふざけながらもオマージュを楽しんだ遊び心溢れる作品に仕上がっています。
Tokyo’s synth duo, CRYSTAL, proudly announces the release of their third album, ‘In A Cocktail Glass.’ This album is a grand collaboration with the renowned lyricist Yutaka Takamatsu, resulting in a poignant and wistful urban pop and techno kayō explosion.
Inspired by 80s TV commercials and trendy dramas, this album tells the story of a city boy wrestling with memories of summer and embarking on artistic adventures. It’s like stepping into a time machine, whisking you away to the dazzling world of bubble-era city pop.
‘In A Cocktail Glass’ stands apart from the current city pop revival, maintaining CRYSTAL’s unique “Suburban Pop 副都心ポップ” style. Their sound, a twist on the conventional city pop, brings both nostalgia and freshness in equal measure. This playful homage to the bubbly city pop of the 80s and 90s is crafted with fragments of poignant visions reflected in a cocktail glass.
May 30th, 2024
ミュージックマガジン6月号にmarucoporoporoのインタビューとアルバム「conceive the sea」のレビューが掲載されています。 近年のアンビエント系では抜きん出た傑作でありつつ、自然界や人間の生命力とい……
May 15th, 2024
marucoporoporoのファーストアルバム「Conceive the Sea」が本日CD/DIGITALリリースです。生命の循環をテー...
Mar 27th, 2024
Kilk RecordsよりリリースしたデビューEPが各所で高い評価を受けた音楽家 marucoporoporoがFLAUと契約、5/15に...