Kidkanevil My Little Ghost

CAT No. FLAU40 / PMC130
Release Date: Japan - April 30th / Oversear - May 9th 2014
Format: CD (LP/Digital from Project Mooncircle)


ヒップホップ、ビート、エクスペリメンタル・エレクトロニクスを自由自在に行き来する真に革新的で実験精神に溢れたイギリス・ヨークシャーのプロデューサーKidkanevilのニューアルバム。地下世界からやってきたゴーストチャイルドの東京での冒険を描いた、架空のアニメのサウンドトラックを模したという本作。昨年の夏、実際にKidkanevilが東京に滞在、Cokiyu、Cuushe、Phasma、疋田哲也ら日本人アーティストとのセッションを録音しながら、東京を彷徨い歩き、アニメの主人公と自身の体験を重ね合わせて作られたコンセプチュアルな作品になっています。チャーミングな音使い、最新のベースミュージックに目配せするグリッヂの効いたビート、どこか壊れたノスタルジーを感じるドリーミーなメロディーの数々に、私たちはKidkanevilが夢想するユニークな都市の姿を感じることでしょう。盟友Chris James(Stateless)、Submerse、Lullatoneらがゲスト参加。こちらのアルバムはベルリンのレコードレーベルProject Mooncircleとの共同リリースとなっています。

A bright and colourful scenery: Shrill blinding sights, piercing foreign sounds, a fusion of disparate scents blended into a cocktail of curiosity. Fleeting attempts embrace a thousand senses in one single second. Bustling around in the shadows of buildings as high as mountains, an almost eerily overwhelming sense of contentment is omnipresent – but something doesn’t appear to be right…
Stranded on a lonely island in the midst of a chaotic metropolis, disconnected – a feeling of drowning in an ocean of overstimulus and importunities of disproportionately inflated personalities, without ever even being registered or taken notice of.
What’s left is nothing more than the ghost of a young soul, wandering about and curiously studying the surrounding, forever looking for answers that would otherwise seem trivial.

After “Kidsuke” the critically acclaimed collaboration project with Daisuke Tanabe, “Tokyorkshire” based producer kidkanevil continues his fascination with Japan and readies his latest solo album My Little Ghost. Inspired by a summer spent in Tokyo collaborating, exploring and generally refusing to grow up, the cd is due April 30th on flau and features a wide range of guests including flau’s Cuushe , Cokiyu, Submerse, Lullatone, Tetsuya Hikita and Phasma.

‘My Little Ghost’ comes out worldwide on limited edition CD from flau as well as a imited double vinyl (including download code) via Project Mooncircle.


Track List

Album Preview


01 All Is Lost

02 Earth To G San (feat Tetsuya Hikita)

03 Inakunaru (feat Phasma)

04 Escape Pod

05 Dimension Bomb

06 Butterfly/Satellite (feat Cuushe & Submerse)

07 Ohayo

08 Oyasumi

09 OG San

10 Shunkanido

11 Tomie (feat Cokiyu)

12 Keroro Dub

13 All Is Not Lost (feat Cuushe & Cokiyu) 14 Tales Of Moonlight And Rain

Press Quotes

Gerard sounds like no-one else it’s marmite music to me – but i think he’s very talented all the same – Om Unit

Kidkanevils brain has exploded. This is the result! Wow.. I have been eagerly waiting to hear this and it doesn’t disappoint. One of my fav UK producers –Chris P Cuts (NTS Radio)

one of the warmest, colourful and frankly lovely albums you’ll hear this year…a record for pandas to make love to. – GetDarker

the kind of sad yet blissful creation – Indie Shuffle

My Little Ghost features some of the best beat making this year. – InYourSpeakers

seemingly crafted by a dreamer who soaked up so much during a trip to Tokyo and stayed super playful and curious. – Do Androids Dance

‘My Little Ghost’ feels like the omnipresent spirit that flows through anyone looking in from the outside. As either a traveler or a listener. – High on Beats

A bright and colourful scenery: Shrill blinding sights, piercing foreign sounds, a fusion of disparate scents blended into a cocktail of curiosity. Fleeting attempts embrace a thousand senses in one single second – Sound Colour Vibration

ポップな電子音や、グリッヂを巧みに使った切れのあるビート、そしてドリーミーさを演出する、浮遊感あるアレンジ…実にテンポよく進行する作品展開は聴く者を飽きさせない – KoenCafe, Pastel Records

very melodic and listenable concoction; clean, precise and pure sounding but also often dizzyingly detailed as tiny clicks and chirrups swirl around the gently flowing beats...soft and soothing one – Norman Records

spacey, fantastical, cosmically charged pieces that conjure as much unreality as your mind can imagine – Yes/No Music

Kidkanevil My Little Ghost

CAT No. FLAU40 / PMC130
Release Date: Japan - April 30th / Oversear - May 9th 2014
Format: CD (LP/Digital from Project Mooncircle)

Track List

Album Preview


01 All Is Lost

02 Earth To G San (feat Tetsuya Hikita)

03 Inakunaru (feat Phasma)

04 Escape Pod

05 Dimension Bomb

06 Butterfly/Satellite (feat Cuushe & Submerse)

07 Ohayo

08 Oyasumi

09 OG San

10 Shunkanido

11 Tomie (feat Cokiyu)

12 Keroro Dub

13 All Is Not Lost (feat Cuushe & Cokiyu) 14 Tales Of Moonlight And Rain


ヒップホップ、ビート、エクスペリメンタル・エレクトロニクスを自由自在に行き来する真に革新的で実験精神に溢れたイギリス・ヨークシャーのプロデューサーKidkanevilのニューアルバム。地下世界からやってきたゴーストチャイルドの東京での冒険を描いた、架空のアニメのサウンドトラックを模したという本作。昨年の夏、実際にKidkanevilが東京に滞在、Cokiyu、Cuushe、Phasma、疋田哲也ら日本人アーティストとのセッションを録音しながら、東京を彷徨い歩き、アニメの主人公と自身の体験を重ね合わせて作られたコンセプチュアルな作品になっています。チャーミングな音使い、最新のベースミュージックに目配せするグリッヂの効いたビート、どこか壊れたノスタルジーを感じるドリーミーなメロディーの数々に、私たちはKidkanevilが夢想するユニークな都市の姿を感じることでしょう。盟友Chris James(Stateless)、Submerse、Lullatoneらがゲスト参加。こちらのアルバムはベルリンのレコードレーベルProject Mooncircleとの共同リリースとなっています。

A bright and colourful scenery: Shrill blinding sights, piercing foreign sounds, a fusion of disparate scents blended into a cocktail of curiosity. Fleeting attempts embrace a thousand senses in one single second. Bustling around in the shadows of buildings as high as mountains, an almost eerily overwhelming sense of contentment is omnipresent – but something doesn’t appear to be right…
Stranded on a lonely island in the midst of a chaotic metropolis, disconnected – a feeling of drowning in an ocean of overstimulus and importunities of disproportionately inflated personalities, without ever even being registered or taken notice of.
What’s left is nothing more than the ghost of a young soul, wandering about and curiously studying the surrounding, forever looking for answers that would otherwise seem trivial.

After “Kidsuke” the critically acclaimed collaboration project with Daisuke Tanabe, “Tokyorkshire” based producer kidkanevil continues his fascination with Japan and readies his latest solo album My Little Ghost. Inspired by a summer spent in Tokyo collaborating, exploring and generally refusing to grow up, the cd is due April 30th on flau and features a wide range of guests including flau’s Cuushe , Cokiyu, Submerse, Lullatone, Tetsuya Hikita and Phasma.

‘My Little Ghost’ comes out worldwide on limited edition CD from flau as well as a imited double vinyl (including download code) via Project Mooncircle.