多数の楽器、オブジェなどを用いて風景を描き出すアーティストMachinoneの3rdアルバム「Wind Letter」を11/24にリリース、アルバムより「風曜日」を公開しています。朴訥と穏やかに紡がれるギターと小型ピアノ、様々に意匠を凝らした楽器からほんのりと立ち上る空想世界。
Machinone, an enigmatic artist who composes music based on “town (Machi)” in the broad sense of the word, will release his third album on November 24th. Acoustic guitar and small piano are spun in a simple and gentle manner.
On top of variously designed instruments and objects, a faintly imaginary world rises up and opens a new door.
First listen Kazeyoubi here.