the nation’s premier label for hushed music – Pitchfork
Flau releases are sonically quite diverse, from acoustic folk to dream pop and complex drum experiments. And though eclectic, never before has a label’s oeuvre come together to so closely sound the way a cherry blossom looks – The FADER
one of the biggest names in the world of really small sounds…the perfect soundtrack to a Sunday evening – Timeout Tokyo
consistently impressive – XLR8R
Flau has associated itself with a signature sound…association with Flau suggests a superior level of pop craftsmanship…What’s remarkable about Fukuzono’s project, which launched at the end of 2006, is that he’s achieved quality control without uniformity – exclaim!
Flau has shown that sometimes silence beats flashiness – METROPOLIS Magazine
flau seem to have a magic touch; everything they put out..has a celestial, positively glowing aura about it that has us longing for more..sonically the label is incredibly diverse, but what its releases share in common are a playful curiosity, an unmatchable quality and a genre-bending commitment to evoking time and space within their sounds – DUMMY
Flau label casts its net across a worldwide community of artists with a particular affection for fragile arrangements and microscopic songwriting…A reliable resource for all the finest, quirkiest exploratory electronic pop music – Boomkat
it combines genuine emotion with a sense of playfulness – Fluid Radio
everyone’s favourite Japanese label and, of course, we make no exception – Going Solo
constantly surprising, consistently stunning – Dummy
un monde de l’infiniment fragile et doux – Ondefixe
one of our favourite labels – Textura
Flau are one of those unassuming labels, which since 2007 have been quietly making their way in the world releasing a diverse range of high quality albums…their roster of international artists blend field recordings, acoustic instruments, microsounds, and voice, in a sound that has become truly synonymous with the label – Furthernoise
worth finding – Foxy Digitalis
grow, pushing boundaries and releasing gems – Drifting, Almost Falling
An inner experience and pure fascination to little things concept and microscopic sounds. FLAU is the latest Label Of The Moment – Otsechka
the Tokyo label’s dreamy and cinematic aesthetic seems tailor-made for two favourite hobbies: idleness and letting the imagination run wild – Solar Flares
This label collects very particular artists from all over the world all under one roof that eclectically holds them together. Each artist is so unique, that you would like to read a whole book about them – PonyDanceClyde
2008-09 London, Cafe OTO
2009-09 Melbourne, Toff In Town
2010-08 Berlin, Altes Finanzamt
2012-05 Malaysia, Black Box Map
2012-05 Macau, LMA
2012-05 China Tour Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou
2012-06 Tokyo, Fujimigaoka Church & VACANT
2012-06 Kyoto, Metro
2013-04 London, Cafe OTO
2013-04 Berlin, Antje Øklesund
2013-12 Tokyo, VACANT
2016-03 Tokyo, VACANT
Release Date: Japan - June 21st / Overseas - Aug 18th, 2017
Format: CD/Digital
アントニオ・カルロス・ジョビンの秀逸な解釈を見せたジョビン生誕90周年記念作「Tom Jobim」と来日ツアーに続き、ブラジル・サンパウロのピアニストFabio Caramuruの知られざるピアノ小曲集がリリース。「Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon 〜27のブラジルの童謡」は、かつて幼少時代の一部としてブラジルの子供たち誰もが知っていた童謡にフォーカスし、新たなアレンジによって時代の波の中で忘れ去られていた童謡のメロディの豊かさを再提示した作品です。温もり溢れる軽快なピアノの調べに、同国のマルチメディアアーティストBeth Bentoが雨、子供の声、動物、そして都市や農村の多くの音、サンバのリズムなどのフィールドレコーディングを加え、繊細なサウンドデザインを施した傑作。特別盤にはブラジルの子供たちが描いたスケッチを用いたメモリーカードを付属し、記憶の彼方にある子どもの世界へと誘うイマジネイティヴなサウンドスケープです。
Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon – 27 Brazilian Children’s Songs was originally released in 2002. Dedicated to children, recorded at the piano with special sounds, those traditional Brazilian songs used to be very popular in the past, but seem to be almost forgotten nowadays.
The original CD was released with a memory card game inside a box, presenting a pair of images for each song.
The new arrangements of these popular songs were composed by Fábio Caramuru and the sound design of several curious sounds such as rain, children voices, animals and many others urban and rural sounds, was created by the multimedia artist Beth Bento.
01 March, Soldier!
02 Gone to Itororó
03 Little dog
04 The cockroach
05 The canoe
06 Crab07 Pass, pass, hawk
08 At this street
09 The carnation and the rose
10 Fall, fall, balloon
11 Small foot12 Sad frog
13 The poor and the rich
14 Small melon chapel
15 Samba-lelê16 The black face ox
17 Teresinha de Jesus
18 My little rooster
19 The alive fish
20 The washerwomen
21 I threw a stick on the cat
22 Bam-ba-lalão
23 I entered the dance wheel
24 Jo’s slaves
25 Ciranda, cirandinha
26 The daisy
27 Little sheep, big sheep
brilliant with joy and other trembling – Fluid Radio
Delicate, playful, lulling, the short pieces of “Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon” paint glimpses of pastel colors of an enchanted world, dominated by a sweetness not at all cloying, faced by the Brazilian artist with an approach at the same time amused and deeply serious . His continuous intersection between harmonic structures and perceptual plans, between minimalism and jazzy timbres, produces as a result the substantial – and in some ways surprising – completeness of all the pieces, the duration of which oscillates only between forty seconds and the minute and a half , however, more than enough to act, at least, to carillon for adults and children. – Music Won’ts Save You
Great for kids to hear and play – Ivraria Scuritiba
歳を重ねた人である程このアルバムを聴きながら暖かな午後のまどろみに誘われて、夢の中に子供時代の記憶の風景が広がれば、こんな幸せな事はない – Latina
Release Date: Japan - June 21st / Overseas - Aug 18th, 2017
Format: CD/Digital
01 March, Soldier!
02 Gone to Itororó
03 Little dog
04 The cockroach
05 The canoe
06 Crab07 Pass, pass, hawk
08 At this street
09 The carnation and the rose
10 Fall, fall, balloon
11 Small foot12 Sad frog
13 The poor and the rich
14 Small melon chapel
15 Samba-lelê16 The black face ox
17 Teresinha de Jesus
18 My little rooster
19 The alive fish
20 The washerwomen
21 I threw a stick on the cat
22 Bam-ba-lalão
23 I entered the dance wheel
24 Jo’s slaves
25 Ciranda, cirandinha
26 The daisy
27 Little sheep, big sheep
アントニオ・カルロス・ジョビンの秀逸な解釈を見せたジョビン生誕90周年記念作「Tom Jobim」と来日ツアーに続き、ブラジル・サンパウロのピアニストFabio Caramuruの知られざるピアノ小曲集がリリース。「Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon 〜27のブラジルの童謡」は、かつて幼少時代の一部としてブラジルの子供たち誰もが知っていた童謡にフォーカスし、新たなアレンジによって時代の波の中で忘れ去られていた童謡のメロディの豊かさを再提示した作品です。温もり溢れる軽快なピアノの調べに、同国のマルチメディアアーティストBeth Bentoが雨、子供の声、動物、そして都市や農村の多くの音、サンバのリズムなどのフィールドレコーディングを加え、繊細なサウンドデザインを施した傑作。特別盤にはブラジルの子供たちが描いたスケッチを用いたメモリーカードを付属し、記憶の彼方にある子どもの世界へと誘うイマジネイティヴなサウンドスケープです。
Dó Ré Mi Fon Fon – 27 Brazilian Children’s Songs was originally released in 2002. Dedicated to children, recorded at the piano with special sounds, those traditional Brazilian songs used to be very popular in the past, but seem to be almost forgotten nowadays.
The original CD was released with a memory card game inside a box, presenting a pair of images for each song.
The new arrangements of these popular songs were composed by Fábio Caramuru and the sound design of several curious sounds such as rain, children voices, animals and many others urban and rural sounds, was created by the multimedia artist Beth Bento.