Henning Schmiedt Orange

Release Date: 2024-10-30



今月7年ぶりに来日した旧東ドイツ出身のアーティストHenning Schmiedtの最新ソロ・ピアノ・アルバムは、ミュートしたアップライト・ピアノとグランド・ピアノ両方で演奏された16曲で構成された小品集。オレンジの持つ創造性、新鮮さをインスピレーションとした本作は、繊細で温かみのあるエレクトロニック・テクスチャーが効果的に使用され、エモーショナルに時に叙情的に、優しくささやくような感覚を呼び起こします。

Henning Schmiedt’s latest solo piano album marks his first release in two years, reflecting a period of significant change. The album comprises 16 poetic and intimate pieces, performed on both muted upright and grand pianos, frequently enriched with delicate and warm electronic textures. The music is  emotive and lyrical, evoking a sense of gentle whispering.

Henning Schmiedt describes his inspiration:

“For me, orange is much more than a color. It’s a smell, a feeling of warmth, balance, and a desire to create. It embodies summery warmth, fruity sparkle, and the healing golden light of orange. It represents an active state of creativity and happiness, a warm, all-encompassing sound, like a refreshing swim in a forest lake.”


Track List

1. tell me about

2. joie de vivre

3. don’t worry

4. glitzern

5. on my way home

6. cumulus

7. ebb and flow

8. koi

9. afloat

10. hide and seek

11. melancholy

12. orange sunset

13. stay

14. bittersweet

15. lullaby

16. speak softly

Henning Schmiedt Orange

Release Date: 2024-10-30

Track List

1. tell me about

2. joie de vivre

3. don’t worry

4. glitzern

5. on my way home

6. cumulus

7. ebb and flow

8. koi

9. afloat

10. hide and seek

11. melancholy

12. orange sunset

13. stay

14. bittersweet

15. lullaby

16. speak softly



今月7年ぶりに来日した旧東ドイツ出身のアーティストHenning Schmiedtの最新ソロ・ピアノ・アルバムは、ミュートしたアップライト・ピアノとグランド・ピアノ両方で演奏された16曲で構成された小品集。オレンジの持つ創造性、新鮮さをインスピレーションとした本作は、繊細で温かみのあるエレクトロニック・テクスチャーが効果的に使用され、エモーショナルに時に叙情的に、優しくささやくような感覚を呼び起こします。

Henning Schmiedt’s latest solo piano album marks his first release in two years, reflecting a period of significant change. The album comprises 16 poetic and intimate pieces, performed on both muted upright and grand pianos, frequently enriched with delicate and warm electronic textures. The music is  emotive and lyrical, evoking a sense of gentle whispering.

Henning Schmiedt describes his inspiration:

“For me, orange is much more than a color. It’s a smell, a feeling of warmth, balance, and a desire to create. It embodies summery warmth, fruity sparkle, and the healing golden light of orange. It represents an active state of creativity and happiness, a warm, all-encompassing sound, like a refreshing swim in a forest lake.”