the nation’s premier label for hushed music – Pitchfork
Flau releases are sonically quite diverse, from acoustic folk to dream pop and complex drum experiments. And though eclectic, never before has a label’s oeuvre come together to so closely sound the way a cherry blossom looks – The FADER
one of the biggest names in the world of really small sounds…the perfect soundtrack to a Sunday evening – Timeout Tokyo
consistently impressive – XLR8R
Flau has associated itself with a signature sound…association with Flau suggests a superior level of pop craftsmanship…What’s remarkable about Fukuzono’s project, which launched at the end of 2006, is that he’s achieved quality control without uniformity – exclaim!
Flau has shown that sometimes silence beats flashiness – METROPOLIS Magazine
flau seem to have a magic touch; everything they put out..has a celestial, positively glowing aura about it that has us longing for more..sonically the label is incredibly diverse, but what its releases share in common are a playful curiosity, an unmatchable quality and a genre-bending commitment to evoking time and space within their sounds – DUMMY
Flau label casts its net across a worldwide community of artists with a particular affection for fragile arrangements and microscopic songwriting…A reliable resource for all the finest, quirkiest exploratory electronic pop music – Boomkat
it combines genuine emotion with a sense of playfulness – Fluid Radio
everyone’s favourite Japanese label and, of course, we make no exception – Going Solo
constantly surprising, consistently stunning – Dummy
un monde de l’infiniment fragile et doux – Ondefixe
one of our favourite labels – Textura
Flau are one of those unassuming labels, which since 2007 have been quietly making their way in the world releasing a diverse range of high quality albums…their roster of international artists blend field recordings, acoustic instruments, microsounds, and voice, in a sound that has become truly synonymous with the label – Furthernoise
worth finding – Foxy Digitalis
grow, pushing boundaries and releasing gems – Drifting, Almost Falling
An inner experience and pure fascination to little things concept and microscopic sounds. FLAU is the latest Label Of The Moment – Otsechka
the Tokyo label’s dreamy and cinematic aesthetic seems tailor-made for two favourite hobbies: idleness and letting the imagination run wild – Solar Flares
This label collects very particular artists from all over the world all under one roof that eclectically holds them together. Each artist is so unique, that you would like to read a whole book about them – PonyDanceClyde
2008-09 London, Cafe OTO
2009-09 Melbourne, Toff In Town
2010-08 Berlin, Altes Finanzamt
2012-05 Malaysia, Black Box Map
2012-05 Macau, LMA
2012-05 China Tour Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou
2012-06 Tokyo, Fujimigaoka Church & VACANT
2012-06 Kyoto, Metro
2013-04 London, Cafe OTO
2013-04 Berlin, Antje Øklesund
2013-12 Tokyo, VACANT
2016-03 Tokyo, VACANT
Release Date: May 29th 2008
『Silent 77』は21世紀初頭から東京を中心に活動するアーティストGeskiaによるデビュー作。 斜陽が大きなインスピレーションとなっている今作では、強烈なダウン・ビートとノイジーな音使いによって、静かな街に沈みいく太陽の質量が表現されていま す。Dose-Oneもその才能を絶賛するという稀代のトラック・メイカーは、斜陽を夕暮れのつまらない感傷としてではなく、人の心に入り込み、街に多い 被さるような静けさを与えてくれる新たな具象として描き出しています。精緻なプログラミングから産み落とされたアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップの恐るべ き傑作『Silent 77』。1977年生まれのGeskiaは、この作品を通して、”Silent”こそが私たちの感情を揺さぶる騒がしさであることを教えてくれます。
The stunning debut album by Geskia “Silent77”, is unquestionably a masterpiece of Japanese underground hip hop and breakbeats.
“Silent77” is hugely inspired by a picturesque setting sun that has been imprinted into Geskia’s musical mind. The awe-inspiring magnitude of evening sun ray that covered a quiet town where the curtain of night was slowly falling down, is remarkably reproduced in Geskia’s dazzling energized beats and noisy beautiful pad. Geskia, through his distinctive music style, beautifully reinterpreted, with strong heartfelt emotion, the silent speed and soundless energy that relayed by the overwhelming yellowish sunbeams and the contrasted loneliness of the little town. Many of these sophisticated inner feelings of human and complex musical interpretations are expressed precisely by mesmerizing programming skill possessed by Geskia, whom Dose-One spoke very highly of. As you will soon discover, “Silent 77” is a brilliant testimonial by Geskia, who is a ’77er, that “silent” can be wildest loudness that evoke our feelings!
01 Two Hour/Seahoses
02 Were Saw
03 We Are
04 Three Days Trial05 Gate Musick
06 Second Comming
07 1977Ugly/2004IdealCopy
08 Neo Gio
09 Global Communication
10 Right Lights
11 Colony
12 Fall Fall
13 Over The Three Rainbows
14 Windowpane Stencil15 Endrole
Silent 77 offers moments of genuine beauty, as wordless falsetto vocals intertwine with gently burbling keyboard lines and nestle against demure, soft focus beats. – WIRE
A great sounding record of underground Japanese hip-hop – wearenotjournalists
advanced underground hip hop and post-IDM electronica…powerfully constructed elegance – Boomkat
“Silent 77” is a glorious slab of holy hip-hop, with beats and drones that will feed the head and the move the body. – Foxy Digitalis
compacted swirl of Boards of Canada-flavoured synth melodies and funky breakbeats…psychedelic boom-bap of Prefuse 73 and Anticon artist Odd Nosdam—though injected with a healthy dose of sweetener– Textura
…reminds me of Funkstorung and Plaid – Norman Records
Geskia stands among Minotaur Shock, Four Tet, Autechre, cLOUDDEAD and Boards of Canada as one of the leading artists in the alternative electronica genre…Top-notch post-production, worthy of comparison with 4AD releases, certainly gives an extra advantage to Silent 77 – No Ripcode
Silent 77 evinces a devil-may-care attitude that is more a considered artistic strategy than an impulsive, instant gratification in-itself. – Cyclic Defrost
O produtor japonês Geskia oferece em Silent 77 uma hora de breakbeats e hip hop alternativo sob a manta de uma electrónica pós-IDM que é uma autêntica obra-prima. A força desta música reside numa sobreposição densa e sofisticada de beats, que evoluem com elegância. O brilho da produção é comparável ao que de melhor apareceu em etiquetas como a Hefty ou a Merck, pelas programações de concepção arrojada e pela integração da melodia. – Distorsom
One is reminded of the more introspective work of Aphex Twin or Boards of Canada, and in some strange corners of the songs, the lush, symphonic havens of The Flaming Lips’s instrumental works shine through, if fleetingly…”Silent 77″ exhibits tremendous strength and comfort of voice, as well as a keen ear for melody and layering. This one’s going to be tough to top – FiveEight
While using stereotyped aspects from a huge range of genre subsets, ranging from trance to folk, there is never any doubt that the pieces fit together perfectly. What would be more impressive would be to build the divine crescendos littering Silent77 from nothing. – The Silent Ballet
Et c’est bien là que le miracle apparaît, on tombe rapidement à genoux devant ce labyrinthe grandeur nature érigé par le maître de ces lieux. Une épopée mystico-transcendantale qui emprunte à ces mentors la capacité d’entrevoir des paysages fantasmagoriques avec une cohérence inouïe, sans jamais se perdre dans de quelconques travers obscurcissants. – Liability
Mostly warm and melodic there are times when it gets a little funkier, bring to mind Machine Drum – Smallfish
a delightful blend between downbeat styles found within the IDM scene and more of an abstract style found within electronic-oriented instrumental hip-hop acts a la Flying Lotus as well as trip-hop acts like Portishead, Hooverphonic, and The Atomica Project (5/5) – I Slept In These Clothes
研ぎ澄まされたメロディーワークは、エレクトロニカ、音響系という括りで 収めるのは勿体無いほどドラマティックで、普遍的な美しさを備えている。 – CRJ TOKYO
Release Date: May 29th 2008
01 Two Hour/Seahoses
02 Were Saw
03 We Are
04 Three Days Trial05 Gate Musick
06 Second Comming
07 1977Ugly/2004IdealCopy
08 Neo Gio
09 Global Communication
10 Right Lights
11 Colony
12 Fall Fall
13 Over The Three Rainbows
14 Windowpane Stencil15 Endrole
『Silent 77』は21世紀初頭から東京を中心に活動するアーティストGeskiaによるデビュー作。 斜陽が大きなインスピレーションとなっている今作では、強烈なダウン・ビートとノイジーな音使いによって、静かな街に沈みいく太陽の質量が表現されていま す。Dose-Oneもその才能を絶賛するという稀代のトラック・メイカーは、斜陽を夕暮れのつまらない感傷としてではなく、人の心に入り込み、街に多い 被さるような静けさを与えてくれる新たな具象として描き出しています。精緻なプログラミングから産み落とされたアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップの恐るべ き傑作『Silent 77』。1977年生まれのGeskiaは、この作品を通して、”Silent”こそが私たちの感情を揺さぶる騒がしさであることを教えてくれます。
The stunning debut album by Geskia “Silent77”, is unquestionably a masterpiece of Japanese underground hip hop and breakbeats.
“Silent77” is hugely inspired by a picturesque setting sun that has been imprinted into Geskia’s musical mind. The awe-inspiring magnitude of evening sun ray that covered a quiet town where the curtain of night was slowly falling down, is remarkably reproduced in Geskia’s dazzling energized beats and noisy beautiful pad. Geskia, through his distinctive music style, beautifully reinterpreted, with strong heartfelt emotion, the silent speed and soundless energy that relayed by the overwhelming yellowish sunbeams and the contrasted loneliness of the little town. Many of these sophisticated inner feelings of human and complex musical interpretations are expressed precisely by mesmerizing programming skill possessed by Geskia, whom Dose-One spoke very highly of. As you will soon discover, “Silent 77” is a brilliant testimonial by Geskia, who is a ’77er, that “silent” can be wildest loudness that evoke our feelings!