Masayoshi Fujita Stories

Release Date: Japan - November 14th 2012 / Europe & USA - January 21st 2013
Format: CD/LP/Digital




『Stories』は、Jan Jelinekとのコラボレーションや、el fog名義での活動でも知られるベルリン在住の日本人アーティストMasayoshi Fujitaによる初のヴィブラフォン・ソロ作品です。物語の挿絵のように、聴く者の脳裏にその情景をシネマチックに映し出す本作。クラシックやジャズの 影響を独自に昇華したヴィブラフォンの独奏をメインに、ビーズやアルミホイルを用いたプリペアド、ボウイング奏法、弦楽器のアレンジメントを取り入れ、楽 器の持つ響きを最大限に追求した、詩的かつメランコリックな叙情溢れる作品が完成しました。この楽器の名前の由来でもある独特のビブラートが、深遠なハー モニーに揺らぎを持たせ、聴く者をインティメイトに包み込む感動作です。


-about Stories-


1. Deers

2. Snow Storm

3. Cloud

4. Story of Forest

5. Story of Waterfall

6. Swan and Morning Dews

7. River

8. Memories

recording: Kassian Troyer
mastering: Nils Frahm
lp cutting: Dubplates & Mastering

So, it is late at night. What left is just a dimmed light at the side of your bed. You open up a book, and then, gradually, and quietly, your thoughts started to move along, with its stories, and your “stories”…..

“Stories” is the first vibraphone solo album by Berlin-based Japanese artist Masayoshi Fujita, who also known as El Fog and a collaboration project with Jan Jelinek. This quietly exquisite album by Fujita, is like a book of illustration, painting 8 delicate pictures of small stories about the nature we are embracing….cloud, forest, river, swan and morning dews….things that we all are so familiar with, but yet so quaint.

Masayoshi Fujita’s style of solo vibraphone is uniquely inspired by classic and jazz music. In this beautiful album, in additional to some gorgeous strings and bowings, he also introduced some ingenious ideas in making unique sounds, like the usage of bead and aluminum foil on his vibraphone, like a prepared instrument. As such, “Stories” is a wonderful result of the beautiful vibration (of which the name Vibraphone came from) of all the delicate sounds produced in this album. They are poetic, they are melancholic, and they are lushly emotional.

Let the dimmed light continues on, and let Fujita tell you these wonderful stories.


Track List

Album Preview


01 Deers

02 Snow Storm

03 Cloud

04 Story of Forest

05 Story of Waterfall I. & II.

06 Swan and Morning Dews

07 River

08 Memories of the Wind

Press Quotes

Fujita’s plangent playing proves to be as sweetly intoxicating as drifting off next to a mountain stream on a summer’s day. A gently uplifting and inviting record, ideal for soothing troubled minds. – Rock A Rolla

Evoking scenes of natural beauty and balancing the inspiring with the not quite maudlin to create a perfect tension, Stories is one of most impressive albums of the year so far. This is highly recommended.(9/10) – Exclaim

a thinking man’s ambience. A muse…It’s got the climactic crescendos of post-rock, the delicacy and detail of electronica and the wondrous wistfulness of indie. There are elements fans of most genres can find solace in..There are luxurious moments of pure emotional pleasure, where melody reigns supreme and the timbre is its queen. (8/10) – The 405

Sweetly serenaded or thoughtfully reflective, the vibraphone chimes and twinkles, seducing the listener…effectively sensuous and articulate – God Is In The TV

Das Vibraphon: nicht nur ein atmosphärischer Begleiter, sondern eine wahre Quelle von Narration, so der Ansatz von Masayoshi Fujita…Hier wird weniger puristisch mit Resonanzen gearbeitet, dafür mit ordentlich knisternden Dub-Drones. – GROOVE

An album which implies the flow of nature, apparently…The implied flow of nature is cyclical on this fascinating, empathic and poetic record – Artrocker

Stories, then, is a spacious, cerebral yet emotional album that fascinatingly makes a lot out of a modest and minimalistic set-up…aesthetic of artists like Nils Frahm,  Ólafur Arnalds and Hauschka. – Beard Rock

mas Stories é genuinamente bonito e funciona um pouco como disco de música lounge para melhor apreciar animais a comer erva. É, além disso, uma audição aconselhável para quem quiser adormecer na esperança de ter sonhos eróticos com a Princesa Mononoke. – VICE

Stories is a wonderful result of the beautiful vibration (of which the name Vibraphone came from) of all the delicate sounds produced in this album. They are poetic, they are melancholic, and they are lushly emotional. – Music Muso

familiar, stripped of artifice, and remarkably listenable. – Cokemachineglow

‘Stories’ is a surprising album. It’s tranquil and mellow, the gentle chiming tones resonate in the air to create an atmosphere in which tension dissipates and the listener is transported to a calm, peaceful place without thinking..
– Whisperin and Hollerin

And to the forest’s delight, these stones chimed in crystalline syncopation—themselves the hallow instrument; the creek, its performer – Stadiums and Shrines

‘Stories’ is a hushed, contemplative record in which the capacity of a single instrument and its player to carry the depth of each composition relies more on the specifics of tone than on bombastic dynamics. – Stereoboard

So, as the snow melts and beyond, losing yourself in the wintery vibes of ‘Stories’ is the perfect acknowledgement of all things ambient, natural and just plain peaceful. – Silent Radio

really lovely stuff full of playful vibraphone that even bands like Tortoise would be proud of but with a dreamlike ambience a lot like Susumu Yokota…it’s a fitting soundtrack to the unusual bout of snow we’re having at the moment and if snowflakes made music this is what it would sound like (9/10) – Norman Records

“Stories” is a wonderful result of the beautiful vibration (of which the name Vibraphone came from) of all the delicate sounds produced in this album. They are poetic, they are melancholic, and they are lushly emotional. – THE ORGAN

A superb record, at turns soothing and mildly transcendental – Insendiary Magazine

It’s like acoustic Detroit Techno from Berlin via Japan. It’s genius…The deliberately odd time signature here makes me think for some reason of Debussy’s composition Jimbos’ Lullaby…Stories. It’s a ‘recommended’ from me, and no mistake – Manafonistas

Stories is pattering, mellifluous, achieving an overarching serenity from lots of notes dropped quickly into a small space. Fujita plays with dynamics and decay to amass shimmering stacks of sound, sustaining them bar after bar before knocking them down in a single breath. – Echoes & Dust

Stories is a concise, well-formed offering from a growing musician, on an emerging label.. – Music OMH

an album which creates beautiful music to reflect the world around the composer…they excel at generating the imagery intended and make for a wonderful soothing listen, and one that will definitely appeal to fans of Nils Frahm and Olaf Arnauds. – Soundblab

Les songeries vibrantes d’un magicien du vibraphone…Précis d’épure cristalline aux rêveries séraphiques, ce Stories voit en effet le Japonais mettre la pédale douce sur les beats électroniques et autres manipulations analogiques pour laisser libre cours aux envolées graciles de son vibraphone – IndieRockMag

All these supporting touches frame the basic musical content in a way that makes Stories a truly enveloping experience…when played deftly their unaggressive tones can weave a special kind of fabric with its own uniquely hypnotic pull. To my ears, at least, Stories contains some of the finest examples of this in recent years – Scrolldust

observing the sun working its way across the living room, watching backlit dust on a Tuesday afternoon, so it’s worth it to just lighten up, play along and let the imagination go off and wander – The Liminal

enchant fans partial to Broken Social Scene, Yann Tiersen, Nico Muhly, Damien Rice…an aleatoric mood similar to John Cage in the way he uses odd items to hammer the vibraphone.  Definitely worth checking out if one digs instrumental space outs or compositional ambition – Our Vinyl

Inmerso en una forestación esplendorosa, “Stories” resulta cómodo de escuchar, aún a pesar de que el protagonista de sus canciones es el mismo en su vasta extensión. Las piezas se mueven al ritmo del viento, quien sopla las notas que acompañan los relatos sobre la vida en los prados campo adentro, con parsimonia, alcanzando niveles de belleza pura. Las hojas caen y su naturalismo instrumental se disipa por entre medio del terreno silvestre. – Hawái

le dispositif avec son matériau presqu’unique nous laissait craindre un album assez monotone, Stories s’avère beaucoup plus divers et, par voie de conséquence, fort intéressant. – EtherREAL

Masayoshi Fujita Stories

Release Date: Japan - November 14th 2012 / Europe & USA - January 21st 2013
Format: CD/LP/Digital

Track List

Album Preview


01 Deers

02 Snow Storm

03 Cloud

04 Story of Forest

05 Story of Waterfall I. & II.

06 Swan and Morning Dews

07 River

08 Memories of the Wind




『Stories』は、Jan Jelinekとのコラボレーションや、el fog名義での活動でも知られるベルリン在住の日本人アーティストMasayoshi Fujitaによる初のヴィブラフォン・ソロ作品です。物語の挿絵のように、聴く者の脳裏にその情景をシネマチックに映し出す本作。クラシックやジャズの 影響を独自に昇華したヴィブラフォンの独奏をメインに、ビーズやアルミホイルを用いたプリペアド、ボウイング奏法、弦楽器のアレンジメントを取り入れ、楽 器の持つ響きを最大限に追求した、詩的かつメランコリックな叙情溢れる作品が完成しました。この楽器の名前の由来でもある独特のビブラートが、深遠なハー モニーに揺らぎを持たせ、聴く者をインティメイトに包み込む感動作です。


-about Stories-


1. Deers

2. Snow Storm

3. Cloud

4. Story of Forest

5. Story of Waterfall

6. Swan and Morning Dews

7. River

8. Memories

recording: Kassian Troyer
mastering: Nils Frahm
lp cutting: Dubplates & Mastering

So, it is late at night. What left is just a dimmed light at the side of your bed. You open up a book, and then, gradually, and quietly, your thoughts started to move along, with its stories, and your “stories”…..

“Stories” is the first vibraphone solo album by Berlin-based Japanese artist Masayoshi Fujita, who also known as El Fog and a collaboration project with Jan Jelinek. This quietly exquisite album by Fujita, is like a book of illustration, painting 8 delicate pictures of small stories about the nature we are embracing….cloud, forest, river, swan and morning dews….things that we all are so familiar with, but yet so quaint.

Masayoshi Fujita’s style of solo vibraphone is uniquely inspired by classic and jazz music. In this beautiful album, in additional to some gorgeous strings and bowings, he also introduced some ingenious ideas in making unique sounds, like the usage of bead and aluminum foil on his vibraphone, like a prepared instrument. As such, “Stories” is a wonderful result of the beautiful vibration (of which the name Vibraphone came from) of all the delicate sounds produced in this album. They are poetic, they are melancholic, and they are lushly emotional.

Let the dimmed light continues on, and let Fujita tell you these wonderful stories.