Apr 11th, 2024

LAYLAND is #1 of Best EPs OF 2024 Q1 by SMALL ALBUMS

Apr 11th, 2024

LAYLAND is #1 of Best EPs OF 2024 Q1 by SMALL ALBUMS

Ryosuke Nagaoka, a guitarist and vocalist combines analogue creation with aus, a producer gutting extraterrestrial living rooms and fish, for the innards of sounds that can wrap around strings and vocal cords in an inescapable depth…From the initial ghost whistles of “Made-Up Mind,” there’s something hovering that will never land. Listen for the single piano strike around 25 seconds for just how intricate the production will glisten…These 6 songs set out to incur wide swatches of space around everything with the purpose of allowing the songs to meander into quiet acoustic melodies, all the way to landscapes of synthesized fabric covering from fictional seas to mountains with unending cliffs upward.

It’s a listen that will continue in new sounds, chiming modes, and forever turns of sound into new sound and back again.
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