Nov 10th, 2017

Glasgow based music site GoldFlakePaint wrote the beautiful article for our decade

Nov 10th, 2017

Glasgow based music site GoldFlakePaint wrote the beautiful article for our decade

Glasgow based music site GoldFlakePaint wrote the beautiful article for our decade with exclusive words from Emma Gatrill, Noah and Cicada. Huge thank you.

Over the past decade, listeners around the world have delighted in the imprint’s independent spirit, delicate craft and continual warmth. To honour ten years of inimitable magic, we spoke to founder Yasuhiko Fukuzono about flau’s inception and look back at some of the sublime records which have shaped its enchanting narrative…Here’s to magic, to dreams and the ever enchanting flau.

グラスゴーの音楽ブログGoldFlakePaintがflauの特集記事を掲載。レーベルの始まりからel fog、Cuushe、Noah、Emma Gatrillらのレビュー、レーベルオーナーや各アーティストへのインタビューと共にflauの10年を振り返っています。

#cuushe#emma gatrill#henning schmiedt#madegg#noah#cokiyu#el fog#nemui pj#port st. willow#interview#flau#review
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