Mar 19th, 2020

Sylvain Chauveau’s new album ‘Life Without Machines’

Mar 19th, 2020

Sylvain Chauveau’s new album ‘Life Without Machines’

フランス人作曲家Sylvain Chauveauのニューアルバムを4/17にリリース。バーネット・ニューマンの抽象画「十字架の道行き」を楽譜に見立てて制作されたピアノ作品です。ライナーノーツはUbuWeb主宰で知られるKenneth Goldsmith。

French composer Sylvain Chauveau’s new album ‘Life Without Machines’, a set of short compositions using Barnett Newman’s series of abstract painting ‘The Stations of the Cross’ as visual scores, is set for release on 17th April 2020 through FLAU.

Sleepy Songs shared some quotes from Sylvain.
In my music, I try to stay as close as possible to silence


more info/stream ‘e’

#sylvain chauveau#release#review
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