The Future Eve featuring Robert Wyatt

Tomo Akikawabaya 名義で知られたTh によるプロジェクト The Future Eve。70年代より音楽活動を開始、渡英したロンドンではポストパンクバンドThe Desperate Bicycles のメンバーとして在籍。帰国後は Tomo Akikawabaya 名義で活動、のちに再発される「The Castle」など多数のレコーディングを行う。その後、半谷高明とユニット Beata Beatrix を結成し、1997年にプロモーション用に製作したCDを Robert Wyatt が評価したことから、その後の長い交流とコラボレーション活動が生まれ、 2003年にはRobert Wyattのアルバム「Cuckooland」収録の「Tom Hay’s Fox」を共作。
2000年代に入ってからは、表立った活動はなかったものの、長年インターネットに於いて楽曲が拡散し続けたことにより、世界中に多くのファンが生まれ、多数のレーベルから再発オファーが相次ぎ、2015年 Veronica Vasicka のレーベル Minimal Wave より「The Invitation Of The Dead」をリリース。 過去にレコーディングされた「Mars」「The Castle」「Anju」の全曲をまとめ、世界中から高い評価を得た。
2016年、Robert Wyatt との共作を発表するに際し、新たに名義を The Future Eve と変更。 Wyatt とのコラボレーションを開始して以来、20年の歳月を経て完成された2部構成による作品群「 KiTsuNe 」を flau よりリリース予定。現在も Wyatt 自身の希望からなる「Ghost Version」をレコーディングを進めている。

The Future Eve is new project of Th as known as Tomo Akikawabaya. Th started improvisation show end of ’70 and recording the album called The Castle as Tomo Akikawabaya in 1981. By that time, he had modified his work into a minimal electronic style using vocals & synthesizers, however through this work, he gained little recognition from the Japanese independent music scene. This was because he didn’t perform the live, limiting his musical activity to studio recordings only. While Th was recording at the studio, he encountered and was highly impressed by the work & exceptional talent of engineer Takaaki Han-ya. Together they began a collaboration forming the band Beata Beatrix later. Robert Wyatt have listened their promotional cd and started to a collaboration with them. In 2016 Th changed the project name to The Future Eve, and began releasing tracks they had worked on with Robert Wyatt.
In recent years Th’s work has spread to the world through the medium of the internet. It has brought him many new fans. He received reissue offers from various record labels worldwide and finally Th signed with Minimal Wave and released The Invitation of the Dead  in 2015.


The Future Eve featuring Robert Wyatt

Tomo Akikawabaya

Mars (castle, 1983)
The Castle (castle, 1984)
Anju (castle, 1985)
1985 (castle, 1985)
Rivage De La Convulsion (castle, 1985)
Kojiki To Onna (castle, 1986)
The Invitation Of The Dead (minimal wave, 2015)


a profusion of future melancholia – Juno Plus

unearthing rare gemsElectronic Beats

otherworldly toneTurntable Lab

immediate and definitely beautifulImpose Magazine

A mysterious singer, producer, and songwriter whose aesthetic takes the regal malaise of prime David Sylvian to its logical endpoint…his dedication to bleakly gothic romanticism adds helpings of heart and soul to the often sterile synthwave universe…for all of the sensual, moody lovers out there who either aren’t getting any, or just need more – Fact

goth gilded music and its unresolved provenance, is an absolute dream…perhaps best compared with John Avery’s theatrical soundtracks or the solemn strokes of Alessandro Cortini – Boomkat


a profusion of future melancholia – Juno Plus

unearthing rare gemsElectronic Beats

otherworldly toneTurntable Lab

immediate and definitely beautifulImpose Magazine

A mysterious singer, producer, and songwriter whose aesthetic takes the regal malaise of prime David Sylvian to its logical endpoint…his dedication to bleakly gothic romanticism adds helpings of heart and soul to the often sterile synthwave universe…for all of the sensual, moody lovers out there who either aren’t getting any, or just need more – Fact

goth gilded music and its unresolved provenance, is an absolute dream…perhaps best compared with John Avery’s theatrical soundtracks or the solemn strokes of Alessandro Cortini – Boomkat

The Future Eve featuring Robert Wyatt


Tomo Akikawabaya 名義で知られたTh によるプロジェクト The Future Eve。70年代より音楽活動を開始、渡英したロンドンではポストパンクバンドThe Desperate Bicycles のメンバーとして在籍。帰国後は Tomo Akikawabaya 名義で活動、のちに再発される「The Castle」など多数のレコーディングを行う。その後、半谷高明とユニット Beata Beatrix を結成し、1997年にプロモーション用に製作したCDを Robert Wyatt が評価したことから、その後の長い交流とコラボレーション活動が生まれ、 2003年にはRobert Wyattのアルバム「Cuckooland」収録の「Tom Hay’s Fox」を共作。
2000年代に入ってからは、表立った活動はなかったものの、長年インターネットに於いて楽曲が拡散し続けたことにより、世界中に多くのファンが生まれ、多数のレーベルから再発オファーが相次ぎ、2015年 Veronica Vasicka のレーベル Minimal Wave より「The Invitation Of The Dead」をリリース。 過去にレコーディングされた「Mars」「The Castle」「Anju」の全曲をまとめ、世界中から高い評価を得た。
2016年、Robert Wyatt との共作を発表するに際し、新たに名義を The Future Eve と変更。 Wyatt とのコラボレーションを開始して以来、20年の歳月を経て完成された2部構成による作品群「 KiTsuNe 」を flau よりリリース予定。現在も Wyatt 自身の希望からなる「Ghost Version」をレコーディングを進めている。

The Future Eve is new project of Th as known as Tomo Akikawabaya. Th started improvisation show end of ’70 and recording the album called The Castle as Tomo Akikawabaya in 1981. By that time, he had modified his work into a minimal electronic style using vocals & synthesizers, however through this work, he gained little recognition from the Japanese independent music scene. This was because he didn’t perform the live, limiting his musical activity to studio recordings only. While Th was recording at the studio, he encountered and was highly impressed by the work & exceptional talent of engineer Takaaki Han-ya. Together they began a collaboration forming the band Beata Beatrix later. Robert Wyatt have listened their promotional cd and started to a collaboration with them. In 2016 Th changed the project name to The Future Eve, and began releasing tracks they had worked on with Robert Wyatt.
In recent years Th’s work has spread to the world through the medium of the internet. It has brought him many new fans. He received reissue offers from various record labels worldwide and finally Th signed with Minimal Wave and released The Invitation of the Dead  in 2015.


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