オーストラリア・パースを拠点に活動する作曲家ハリー・ホーネンによる新しいプロジェクト。Telefon Tel Avivらを輩出したシカゴの名レーベルHeftyからVictor Bermon名義で、ケルンの老舗テクノレーベルTraumからはFotel Folyamat名義でリリースした他、WARPからのリリースで知られるバンドPVT/PivotのDave MillerとのユニットMiller And Fiamでもリリースし、テクノ〜フォークトロニカを横断して活動した早熟の才人として知られる。
Much like his music, Perth, Australia-based composer Harry Hohnen is everchanging. Formerly known as Victor Bermon when he released music on Hefty Records, and called Fotel Folyamat for his Traum releases, also released as Miller & Fiam (with Dave Miller from PVT/Pivot) on Expanding Records and Background. Harry Hohnen reverts to a nickname given him by his father for his latest release on FLAU: Schmo.
Influenced by a blend of jazz, classical and electronic music, Hohnen creates collages of sound that grow organically. All the way from the crate-digging goodness of Hefty Records-era Arriving at Night (2007) to his latest, 2020 release on Flau, Spring Stories, Hohnen’s style may change — just like his music-making moniker does — but the spirit of his sound, that of memory-inducing organic samples stitched effortlessly together, remains the same.
Harry Hohnen took a long break from making music and is currently in his final year of a medical degree, thus explaining the break between his Victor Bermon and Schmo oeuvres. Academic studies aside, however, his music is as inspired and touching as it always has been.