
Hailing from England, submerse is an esteemed beatmaker and producer with a distinct and recognisable sound that traverses Beats, Instrumental Hip Hop and Electronica whilst being punctuated by a myriad of unique and personal influences. submerse has released tracks & remixes with Project: Mooncircle and more. In 2013 submerse released his latest offering from Project: Mooncircle ‘Melonkoly’.
Amidst a plenitude of productions, submerse has also seen support emerge from influential media titans such as Pitchfork, FACT Magazine, XLR8R, BBC and has played prestigious events such as SonarSound Tokyo, Low End Theory and Boiler Room.

イギリス出身のsubmerseは超個人的な影響を独自のセンスで消化し、ビートミュージック、ヒップホップ、エレクトロニカを縦横無尽に横断するユニークなスタイルを持つDJ/ビートメーカーとして知られている。これまでにベルリンの老舗レーベルProject: Mooncircleなどから作品をリリースしている。SonarSound Tokyo2013、Boiler Room、Low End Theoryなどに出演。
また、Pitchfork, FACT Magazine, XLR8R、BBCといった影響力のあるメディアから高い評価を受ける。

photo by Repeat Pattern



Slow Waves (flau/project mooncircle, 2014)


Gundam (maltine, 2010)
Soul Gem (maltine, 2011)
Agepoyo (maltine, 2011)
Bubblin (frijsfo beats, 2011)
Tears (project:mooncircle, 2012)
Chest Pressure ムネアツイーピー (maltine, 2012)
They Always Come Back (apollo, 2012)
Algorithms and Ghosts (project:mooncircle, 2013)
Melonkoly (project:mooncircle, 2013)
Stay Home (flau/project mooncircle, 2015)
Awake (flau/project mooncircle, 2016)
Works (project mooncircle, 2016)


Archie Pelago – Chocolate Waveplates (slime, 2011)
Pixelord – Puzzles (Car Crash Set, 2011)
Ellie Goulding – Anything Could Happen (polydor, 2013)
Emufucka – Quark/4 (loveless, 2013)
Hidden Orchestra – Archipelago Remixes (tru thoughts, 2014)


Eclipse (project:mooncircle, 2013)
Uprising (project mooncircle, 2013)
Label Love vol. 6 (tru thoughts x stones throw, 2013)


Interesting,really like this some good ideas,great listening!
– Daddy G (Massive Attack)

Incredibly talented producer – Live For The Funk

submerse is on to something, and has been for a while – Earmilk

Digging Keepoised most – DJ Shadow

a lopsided, blissful slice of stutter-hop – Pitchfork

Smooth like the inside of a banana skin – Om Unit

It’s dope as hell – Alexander Nut


Interesting,really like this some good ideas,great listening!
– Daddy G (Massive Attack)

Incredibly talented producer – Live For The Funk

submerse is on to something, and has been for a while – Earmilk

Digging Keepoised most – DJ Shadow

a lopsided, blissful slice of stutter-hop – Pitchfork

Smooth like the inside of a banana skin – Om Unit

It’s dope as hell – Alexander Nut



Hailing from England, submerse is an esteemed beatmaker and producer with a distinct and recognisable sound that traverses Beats, Instrumental Hip Hop and Electronica whilst being punctuated by a myriad of unique and personal influences. submerse has released tracks & remixes with Project: Mooncircle and more. In 2013 submerse released his latest offering from Project: Mooncircle ‘Melonkoly’.
Amidst a plenitude of productions, submerse has also seen support emerge from influential media titans such as Pitchfork, FACT Magazine, XLR8R, BBC and has played prestigious events such as SonarSound Tokyo, Low End Theory and Boiler Room.

イギリス出身のsubmerseは超個人的な影響を独自のセンスで消化し、ビートミュージック、ヒップホップ、エレクトロニカを縦横無尽に横断するユニークなスタイルを持つDJ/ビートメーカーとして知られている。これまでにベルリンの老舗レーベルProject: Mooncircleなどから作品をリリースしている。SonarSound Tokyo2013、Boiler Room、Low End Theoryなどに出演。
また、Pitchfork, FACT Magazine, XLR8R、BBCといった影響力のあるメディアから高い評価を受ける。

photo by Repeat Pattern


Feb 4th, 2021

Cuushe – Emergence (submerse Remix) out now

Cuusheの最新アルバム「WAKEN」CD盤ボーナストラックに収録の「Emergence (submerse Remix)」を本日より配信...

Nov 18th, 2019

Tokyo Sleep ft. Licaxxx / submerse / Elena Midori

NYを拠点とし、グローバルなライブ・ミュージック・パーティーもキュレートするファッションブランドTokyo Sleepのパーティーが今週末。...

Mar 12th, 2019

supported TOKYO SLEEP last weekend

Jul 2nd, 2018

a warehouse find


Feb 23rd, 2018

Neon Bunny & Submerse @ SONO

韓国ソウルからNEON BUNNYが来日、前回同様submerseが共演です。 2018年3月10日(土)@ UltraSuperNew Gallery 16:00 open……