
Kristian Peters was born in 1980 and is living in Rostock, Germany. He is producing electronic music since winter 1993/94. Starting out with very unconventional and hard techno tracks, becoming more and more experimental he finally found his place in ambient music. Kristian does not see his music as ambient but as a state that could be anything. It primarily describes a kind of state, that could be anything. The titles can give clues, but are only a superficial circumscription, the very meaning should be coming from the music itself.
The way to success goes back to an e-mail that he send in May 1998 to Jörg Follert from Karaoke Kalk in reponse to the visor release. Jörg was puzzled and played the different tracks (a full demo CD followed) to Tom Steinle. It was Tom who decided to publish the CD in January 1999.

Novisad was produced with my good old 386 computer that only had a soundblaster 1.0 card built in and therefore produced a very poor soundquality. To optimize for speed I restricted myself to 11khz in 8bit mono, otherwise I wouldn’t have finished these tracks even today. Nevertheless, there was enough time to have a cup of coffee or to do something else besides while the old 386 was computing. The last two tracks on the novisad album ( demut, abschied) were done with my new computer that finally could work with 44.1khz and stereo. I also used that machine to convert all the previous tracks to CD format. Basically I used for all CD tracks the WinDAT program, a simple cut&paste program together with CoolEdit 1.5. This may sound simple but until I found the according sounds, entire days could pass by easily.

NovisadことKristian Petersは1980年ドイツのRostock生まれ。13歳の頃からトラック製作を開始し、徐々に現在のギター・プロセッシングによるアンビエント・ トラックを作るようになる。1998年Karaoke Kalkから名盤WunderをリリースしたJorg Follert(aka: wunder, wechsel garland)にメールをしたことがきっかけとなり、19歳という若さでtomlabよりレーベル初期の名作1stアルバム『Novisad』を発表、 その繊細なアンビエント・サウンドはovalらにも並び称された。さらに2001年には名盤の誉れ高い2ndアルバム『Seleya』をリリース。翌年に はkompaktの人気アンビエント・シリーズ『Pop Ambient』に参加、他audio dregs,k-raa-kなどのコンピレーションにも音源を提供した。今回flauより約7年ぶりとなるアルバム『funkel』をリリース。



Novisad (tomlab,1998)
Seleya (tomlab,2001)
Funkel (flau,2009)


V.A. – Smallrooms (inbox,1998)
V.A. – Chipyard ’99 (wycombe, 1999)
V.A. – Pop Ambient 2002 (kompakt,2002)
V.A. – Many Things Worth Living For (Autoplate, 2004)


V.A. – For Friends (tomlab, 2000)
V.A. – Harmony with Ambience) (Windfarm, 2003)


Adlib – Adlib (tomlab,1998 /k-raa-k,1999)
V.A. – K-Raa-K Festival (k-raa-k, 2001)
V.A. – K-Raa-K Festivalsampler (k-raa-k, 2001)
V.A. – For Friends (audio dregs, 2002)




Kristian Peters was born in 1980 and is living in Rostock, Germany. He is producing electronic music since winter 1993/94. Starting out with very unconventional and hard techno tracks, becoming more and more experimental he finally found his place in ambient music. Kristian does not see his music as ambient but as a state that could be anything. It primarily describes a kind of state, that could be anything. The titles can give clues, but are only a superficial circumscription, the very meaning should be coming from the music itself.
The way to success goes back to an e-mail that he send in May 1998 to Jörg Follert from Karaoke Kalk in reponse to the visor release. Jörg was puzzled and played the different tracks (a full demo CD followed) to Tom Steinle. It was Tom who decided to publish the CD in January 1999.

Novisad was produced with my good old 386 computer that only had a soundblaster 1.0 card built in and therefore produced a very poor soundquality. To optimize for speed I restricted myself to 11khz in 8bit mono, otherwise I wouldn’t have finished these tracks even today. Nevertheless, there was enough time to have a cup of coffee or to do something else besides while the old 386 was computing. The last two tracks on the novisad album ( demut, abschied) were done with my new computer that finally could work with 44.1khz and stereo. I also used that machine to convert all the previous tracks to CD format. Basically I used for all CD tracks the WinDAT program, a simple cut&paste program together with CoolEdit 1.5. This may sound simple but until I found the according sounds, entire days could pass by easily.

NovisadことKristian Petersは1980年ドイツのRostock生まれ。13歳の頃からトラック製作を開始し、徐々に現在のギター・プロセッシングによるアンビエント・ トラックを作るようになる。1998年Karaoke Kalkから名盤WunderをリリースしたJorg Follert(aka: wunder, wechsel garland)にメールをしたことがきっかけとなり、19歳という若さでtomlabよりレーベル初期の名作1stアルバム『Novisad』を発表、 その繊細なアンビエント・サウンドはovalらにも並び称された。さらに2001年には名盤の誉れ高い2ndアルバム『Seleya』をリリース。翌年に はkompaktの人気アンビエント・シリーズ『Pop Ambient』に参加、他audio dregs,k-raa-kなどのコンピレーションにも音源を提供した。今回flauより約7年ぶりとなるアルバム『funkel』をリリース。

Novisad’s latest brings us pleasant music for nostalgia and reflection, a circular disc which ends pretty much in the same place it started, which means you can create a larger, collective loop by setting your disc player to repeat mode. – Incrusion Magazine


he makes the guitar sound like the most beautiful instrument in the world. Norman Records


simple and stringent in form and yet expressive of great complexity…It is rare that this sort of music results in such melodiousness and human warmth – Motion


an arrestingly lovely thing, full of intricate lo-fi textures and mysterious loop-based constructions – Boomkat


you realize it’s in constant churn rather than repose… Incredibly mature for one so young – Other Music


I do know that his murky rather-lo-fi take on sound construction entrances me…strangely beautiful – Spiderbytes


Novisad: a.k.a Kristian Peters creates conceptual soundscapes as opposed to traditionally structured music. – Norman Records

Krakende lodown dirty wavetables spuwen wezenloos vervaagde loops, uit een aftandse geluidskaart lekken pastorale stretched chords. – Plastiks

