Kanazu Tomoyuki is a musician and saxphone player born in 1979 Mie, Japan. Dropped out Aichi Prefectural University of FIne Arts and Music.
Joined Many type of groups like Classic, Jazz, Raggae, Fank and more… He joined a improvization group called “liveevil” which AFRA, Muneomi Senju, Afrirampo etc joined was made by Takumi Moriya in Osaka. In like these groups, he got his experiences as a sideman in mainly underground scene, and now he is acting with Mujika Easel, Kazuho Oogiya, F.I.B. Journal Orchestra and routs raggae dub gourp called GLOBAL LEAF. He has released solo debut album called “Prater” in 2010 from flau.
The music world constracted with thoughtfulness but withy and down memory lane.
1979 年生まれ 三重県出身の音楽家、サクソフォン奏者。愛知県立芸術大学作曲科音楽学専攻中退。クラシック、ジャズをはじめレゲエ、ファンクなどさまざまなグループに所属。モリヤタクミ率いる大阪のインプロヴィゼーショングル ープ“liveevil”など、アンダーグラウンドシーンを中心にサイドマンとして経験を積み、現在はCuushe、扇谷一穂、Mujika EaselのサポートやF.I.B. Journal Orchestra、ルーツレゲエ・ダブバンドGLOBAL LEAFで活動中。2010 年flau から初のソロアルバム『Prater』を発売。その音楽世界は思慮深く構築されながらもしなやかで強く、懐かしい。