Calm and mellow, while solid and rhythmic, Geskia makes music easy and complex at the same time and is highly recommended to all.- No Ripcode
advanced underground hip hop and post-IDM electronica…powerfully constructed elegance – Boomkat
Geskia’s palette consists of soaring melodies and ambience, brought down to Earth by glitchy, twittering jitters of rhythm and bass…Geskia had all the means necessary to translate his vision into an aural odyssey, a strolling tour inside a colorful, expressive mind. – FiveEight
What Geskia has managed to do is create an incredibly accomplished offering. – The Silent Ballet
Geskia leapfrogs from techno, to bleary ambient passages and hip-hop inspired breakbeats in an exciting and perfectly judged performance. – Cyclic Defrost
Le temps de mettre tout cela en forme étant arrivé, on croise les doigts afin que Geskia n’accouche pas d’un monstre hideux, d’une aberration polymorphe dont les membres ne sauraient tenir ensemble par un trop plein d’associations, à première vue, incongrues. – Liability