
Geskia is undoubtedly the master of Japanese underground hip-hop and breakbeats. He started off his journey of sound making in 2001, and became a part of the down-beat unit “coma5”. Although Geskia’s music style is heavily influenced by industrial music (especially by Industrial icons like Coil and Einstruzende Neubauten), trip-hop movement and techno music, but by listening to the unique music that he has been creating, one can indubitably tell that Geskia has already established his very own distinctive music style and philosophy, and it has begun to mesmerize many people, including his fellow artists.

Geskia’s music concept is to reproduce the life around him, to reflect the connections of him with others, and to manifest his perspective about the world. Many established artists spoke highly of Geskia’s wonderful talent, including Dose-One (anticon, subtle, 13 & God), who described Geskia’s music as “very pretty, very well-made”.
It is Geskia’s aims to produce his music by using his sixth sense and subconscious connection with deliberate feelings. “To express those tiny magical moments in life with music”.

自身を取り囲む生活や他人との関わり、 またはその世界観の再現をコンセプトに2001年に活動を開始。初期はCoilやEinsturzende Neubautenに代表されるインダストリアル・ミュージックやテクノ、トリップホップ・ムーブメントに影響を受けていたが、徐々にオリジナルなスタイルを確立。coma5など数々のグループに所属し、トラック提供を果たしながら、Geskia名義で都内を中心に積極的なライブ・パフォーマンスを展開する。2008年flauと契約。日本人離れしたビート感覚とドラマティックなトラックメイキングが見事に結実したデビュー・アルバム『Silent 77』を発表し、世界中のメディアから喝采を浴びた。2008年、flauからデビュー・アルバム『Silent 77』を発表し、英WIRE紙など世界中のメディアから喝采を浴びる。
その後flauよりLukid、Caural、Brackenのリミックスを収録したEP『Eclipse323』をリリース後、術ノ穴より『President IDM』『Alien』、2012年には2枚のアルバムをDynamophone(US)よ り『Muon』、Home Normal(UK)より『323 sayonara memories』をそれぞれ発表。そして2013年2月、通算6枚目となるアルバム『Silent of Light』をPROGRESSIVE FOrMリリースした。



Silent 77 (flau,2008)
President IDM (subenoana,2009)
Eclipse 323 (flau.2009)
Represent DIY (subenoana,2009)
Resonant DIM (subenoana,2009)
Alien (subenoana,2011)
Muon (dynamophone,2012)
Silent Of Light (progressive form,2013)


aus – Antwarps (preco,2008)
The Silence Was Warm 2 (symbolic interaction,2008)
Pawn – Kitchen EP (symolic interaction,2008)
Electro 5 Finger – Zion System (low high who?. 2008)
Paranel – Recollections For Fifteen (low high who?,2009)
Eloq – Lost 70G (low high who?,2009)
Ian Hawgood – Low Films In Low Light (home normal,2010)
V.A. – Hello!!! vol.1 (subenoana,2010)
V.A. – Hello!!! vol.2 (subenoana,2010)
V.A. – Forma.3.10 (progressive form,2010)
Bugfics – Defrag (subenoana,2011)
Hopeless Local Marching Band – The Old Man Chokes Up~ (symbolic interaction,2011)
Bosa2 – Ristrante B (subenoana,2011)
V.A. – Play for Japan vol.3 (ototoy,2011)
V.A. – ICASEA Benefit Compilation (ICASEA,2011)
Cokiyu – Mirror Flake (flau,2011)
V.A. – YMO Rewake (electric sheep,2011)
Pawn – Glimmer of Sunlight (dynamophone,2011)


Crow That Spells Word In Globe (ctrl alt del,2008)


Nine Stories (symbolic interaction,2009)


Calm and mellow, while solid and rhythmic, Geskia makes music easy and complex at the same time and is highly recommended to all.- No Ripcode


advanced underground hip hop and post-IDM electronica…powerfully constructed elegance – Boomkat

Geskia’s palette consists of soaring melodies and ambience, brought down to Earth by glitchy, twittering jitters of rhythm and bass…Geskia had all the means necessary to translate his vision into an aural odyssey, a strolling tour inside a colorful, expressive mind.
 – FiveEight


What Geskia has managed to do is create an incredibly accomplished offering. – The Silent Ballet


Geskia leapfrogs from techno, to bleary ambient passages and hip-hop inspired breakbeats in an exciting and perfectly judged performance. – Cyclic Defrost


Le temps de mettre tout cela en forme étant arrivé, on croise les doigts afin que Geskia n’accouche pas d’un monstre hideux, d’une aberration polymorphe dont les membres ne sauraient tenir ensemble par un trop plein d’associations, à première vue, incongrues. – Liability


Calm and mellow, while solid and rhythmic, Geskia makes music easy and complex at the same time and is highly recommended to all.- No Ripcode


advanced underground hip hop and post-IDM electronica…powerfully constructed elegance – Boomkat

Geskia’s palette consists of soaring melodies and ambience, brought down to Earth by glitchy, twittering jitters of rhythm and bass…Geskia had all the means necessary to translate his vision into an aural odyssey, a strolling tour inside a colorful, expressive mind.
 – FiveEight


What Geskia has managed to do is create an incredibly accomplished offering. – The Silent Ballet


Geskia leapfrogs from techno, to bleary ambient passages and hip-hop inspired breakbeats in an exciting and perfectly judged performance. – Cyclic Defrost


Le temps de mettre tout cela en forme étant arrivé, on croise les doigts afin que Geskia n’accouche pas d’un monstre hideux, d’une aberration polymorphe dont les membres ne sauraient tenir ensemble par un trop plein d’associations, à première vue, incongrues. – Liability



Geskia is undoubtedly the master of Japanese underground hip-hop and breakbeats. He started off his journey of sound making in 2001, and became a part of the down-beat unit “coma5”. Although Geskia’s music style is heavily influenced by industrial music (especially by Industrial icons like Coil and Einstruzende Neubauten), trip-hop movement and techno music, but by listening to the unique music that he has been creating, one can indubitably tell that Geskia has already established his very own distinctive music style and philosophy, and it has begun to mesmerize many people, including his fellow artists.

Geskia’s music concept is to reproduce the life around him, to reflect the connections of him with others, and to manifest his perspective about the world. Many established artists spoke highly of Geskia’s wonderful talent, including Dose-One (anticon, subtle, 13 & God), who described Geskia’s music as “very pretty, very well-made”.
It is Geskia’s aims to produce his music by using his sixth sense and subconscious connection with deliberate feelings. “To express those tiny magical moments in life with music”.

自身を取り囲む生活や他人との関わり、 またはその世界観の再現をコンセプトに2001年に活動を開始。初期はCoilやEinsturzende Neubautenに代表されるインダストリアル・ミュージックやテクノ、トリップホップ・ムーブメントに影響を受けていたが、徐々にオリジナルなスタイルを確立。coma5など数々のグループに所属し、トラック提供を果たしながら、Geskia名義で都内を中心に積極的なライブ・パフォーマンスを展開する。2008年flauと契約。日本人離れしたビート感覚とドラマティックなトラックメイキングが見事に結実したデビュー・アルバム『Silent 77』を発表し、世界中のメディアから喝采を浴びた。2008年、flauからデビュー・アルバム『Silent 77』を発表し、英WIRE紙など世界中のメディアから喝采を浴びる。
その後flauよりLukid、Caural、Brackenのリミックスを収録したEP『Eclipse323』をリリース後、術ノ穴より『President IDM』『Alien』、2012年には2枚のアルバムをDynamophone(US)よ り『Muon』、Home Normal(UK)より『323 sayonara memories』をそれぞれ発表。そして2013年2月、通算6枚目となるアルバム『Silent of Light』をPROGRESSIVE FOrMリリースした。

