Jan 14th, 2021

Dale Berning – The Horse Stories reissued

Jan 14th, 2021

Dale Berning – The Horse Stories reissued

さわひらきの映像作品「Going Places Sitting Down」のサウンドトラックとして制作されたFLAUの最初期カタログの一つ、Dale Berning「The Horse Stories」を新装アートワークで14年ぶりにリイシュー、デッドストックとなっていたオリジナル重量盤のLPも1/20に同時発売です。
Teaser video directed by Hiraki Sawa (©︎Hiraki Sawa / Dale Berning 2021)
Dale Berning’s The Horse Stories, a soundtrack for Hiraki Sawa’s film Going Places Sitting Down is finally being reissued. This is the third album in the FLAU catalog and one of the albums that got us started with the label.
The Horse Stories CD reissue with new artwork and some dead stock original LPs are available for pre-order now.

#dale berning#release#video
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