SELA. Anniversary

Release Date: Japan - May 21st / USA, Europe - May 14th 2014
Format: CDR/LP

カリフォルニア・ヴァレーホ在住、弱冠20歳のプロデューサーSELA.。昨年Coyote Clean Up、Noah、FoodmanらとスプリットEPを立て続けにリリース、自身の『Stress』3部作も完結し、ついにファースト・アルバムを発表します。
ライブ・サンプリングと最小限のエディット、Hip-Hop、Juke/Footworkを極限にまで解体したビート、匿名化されたラッパー達の大量のリリックと盟友Allie、 Noahら女性ボーカリストによるムーディーで幻想的な歌声。ジャズ、ワールド・ミュージック、ソウルなど自身のルーツを紐解くように様々なレコードからサンプリングされたループは、 The Fieldなど一連のオーガニックなKOMPAKT作品を彷彿とさせる恍惚の美しさを讃え、ループマスターとも称されるそのサンプル選びの妙は、DJ ShadowやHowie B、Koushikといった名プロデューサーのような抜群のセンスを感じさせます。
『Anniversary』のアナザーサイドは、28曲からなるSELA.のティーンエイジ・クラシックス。レコードから美しく切り取られたループに簡素なフィルター加工を施し、R&B、フットワークを独自に消化して作り上げられた浮遊感溢れるミニマル・アンビエントの萌芽の数々。クラウドラップの新星Kitty (aka Kitty Pryde) にフックアップされた「Youth」、「Wavriel」など、一つ一つの瞬間に永遠を見る十代が、瑞々しくループと戯れる軌跡を見ることができます。

Anniversary is a release from 20 year old Vallerio, California native, SELA., containing one LP of brand new material accompanied by a compilation of selected tracks from his previous 25 bandcamp releases.

“the idea for ‘anniversary’ was originally conceived in 2012, and it was supposed to be a ‘serious’ LPwith the release date being the anniversary of my first release/when i started making music (aug 21st 2011).
needless to say, this didn’t necessarily happen. the cause being ‘life’ happening, me scrapping songs, losing inspiration, and just changing my mind in general the more time i spent trying to make this album a reality. the aforementioned took place for a little over a year, and most of the songs/song ideas that were originally intended for this LP resulted in the 3-part ‘STRESS’ project.
then came fall of 2013. in late july/august, my contract at my previous job ended, which (obviously) resulted in me being unemployed. this is still the case at the time of this writing (feb. 26th, 2014), but i say all this to say; after much time and money spent applying for various things in my area/surrounding cities, i soon realized that i’d be stuck at home with a bit more free time on my hands than i had previousy thought.
knowing this, i decided to finally give this idea the time and attention i had envisioned initially. and now here we are. as the project started to flourish, the original theme i had in mind was a bit lost for lack of a better word (especially in terms of timing for the completion/release), but it’s all fitting.
i think it’s fitting because this is how all of my projects have been. i’ve never been good at spending a really long (long meaning 2+ months) time on anything i make. if you notice, the first half of this LP is drastically different in terms of mood/tone/production in comparison to the the second half (track 7 and up).
this is because they were all created in succession at two seperate times, with me being in two different states mentally and emotionally. it’s all self-expression and ‘stream of consciousness’. i feel like i’m rambling, but what i’m trying to say is that although the album doesn’t really follow a clearly defined theme and is more so just me indirectly paying homage to some of my favorite artists, experiences, and other various things, it’s all still ‘fitting’ in my opinion because it is ‘me’. none of it was made with a pre-planned end result in mind.

now it’s time to see if any of this matters”

RIYL: Balam Acab, Howie B, L.Pierre, DJ Shadow, The Field


Track List

Album Preview


01 湾岸地域

02 before i went away

03 crazy

04 learning about yourself may cause disappointment

05 so

06 to the heavens

07 you'd think too

08 heartbeat (ft. allie)

09 keen

10 lost (ft. noah)

11 congratulations

12 fake emotion

13 certainly

14 think about it (outro)



Album Preview

01 shout outs to ariel pink

02 meant to be

03 youth

04 work

05 8:26[test]

06 voices

07 silvervirga ii

08 suspended

09 kathryn

10 early

11 a theme (interlude)

12 you are alone in this

13 yaklt ii

14 i give up

15 you're damn cute, y'know!

16 wavriel

17 14

18 myu

19 rpcguy

20 loop for dreams (intermission)

21 maya ii

22 reverie

23 heart

24 evelyn

25 excerpts

26 most serious song i've ever made

27 persson (slow)

28 niki fm (footwork)

Press Quotes

‘everyone should check this out.’ – XXYYXX

‘Heartbeat’ featured on December Mix by GORILLA VS. BEAR

ts a rare event where we can genuinely say that we’ve never heard a record that sounds like this  – its a completely new take on genre meshing and other than the artists named above, I have no idea who to compare it to…Wonderful album by SELA. on flau records. For fans of Bibio, J. Dilla, Burial. Recommended – Norman Records

constantly evocative…all sounds deconstructed and re-blended; gentle swatches of noise in the foreground of each track offset by a coarse-yet-distant sampled lyricism in the back – Soniscope

スモーキー&チリンなサウンドメイキングと独特のループ感を持つサンプリング・ワークで、憂鬱さを含んだドリーミーなトラック群を聴かせる SELA.。 ヒップホップ / R&Bサンプルのスクリューやシンセ使いといったポスト・インターネット・フレイヴァと、オーガニックな質感を活かした90sサンプリング・ミュージック のセンスが融合した感覚は、Actressの近作などを思わせる – CD Journal

SELA. Anniversary

Release Date: Japan - May 21st / USA, Europe - May 14th 2014
Format: CDR/LP

Track List

Album Preview


01 湾岸地域

02 before i went away

03 crazy

04 learning about yourself may cause disappointment

05 so

06 to the heavens

07 you'd think too

08 heartbeat (ft. allie)

09 keen

10 lost (ft. noah)

11 congratulations

12 fake emotion

13 certainly

14 think about it (outro)



Album Preview

01 shout outs to ariel pink

02 meant to be

03 youth

04 work

05 8:26[test]

06 voices

07 silvervirga ii

08 suspended

09 kathryn

10 early

11 a theme (interlude)

12 you are alone in this

13 yaklt ii

14 i give up

15 you're damn cute, y'know!

16 wavriel

17 14

18 myu

19 rpcguy

20 loop for dreams (intermission)

21 maya ii

22 reverie

23 heart

24 evelyn

25 excerpts

26 most serious song i've ever made

27 persson (slow)

28 niki fm (footwork)

カリフォルニア・ヴァレーホ在住、弱冠20歳のプロデューサーSELA.。昨年Coyote Clean Up、Noah、FoodmanらとスプリットEPを立て続けにリリース、自身の『Stress』3部作も完結し、ついにファースト・アルバムを発表します。
ライブ・サンプリングと最小限のエディット、Hip-Hop、Juke/Footworkを極限にまで解体したビート、匿名化されたラッパー達の大量のリリックと盟友Allie、 Noahら女性ボーカリストによるムーディーで幻想的な歌声。ジャズ、ワールド・ミュージック、ソウルなど自身のルーツを紐解くように様々なレコードからサンプリングされたループは、 The Fieldなど一連のオーガニックなKOMPAKT作品を彷彿とさせる恍惚の美しさを讃え、ループマスターとも称されるそのサンプル選びの妙は、DJ ShadowやHowie B、Koushikといった名プロデューサーのような抜群のセンスを感じさせます。
『Anniversary』のアナザーサイドは、28曲からなるSELA.のティーンエイジ・クラシックス。レコードから美しく切り取られたループに簡素なフィルター加工を施し、R&B、フットワークを独自に消化して作り上げられた浮遊感溢れるミニマル・アンビエントの萌芽の数々。クラウドラップの新星Kitty (aka Kitty Pryde) にフックアップされた「Youth」、「Wavriel」など、一つ一つの瞬間に永遠を見る十代が、瑞々しくループと戯れる軌跡を見ることができます。

Anniversary is a release from 20 year old Vallerio, California native, SELA., containing one LP of brand new material accompanied by a compilation of selected tracks from his previous 25 bandcamp releases.

“the idea for ‘anniversary’ was originally conceived in 2012, and it was supposed to be a ‘serious’ LPwith the release date being the anniversary of my first release/when i started making music (aug 21st 2011).
needless to say, this didn’t necessarily happen. the cause being ‘life’ happening, me scrapping songs, losing inspiration, and just changing my mind in general the more time i spent trying to make this album a reality. the aforementioned took place for a little over a year, and most of the songs/song ideas that were originally intended for this LP resulted in the 3-part ‘STRESS’ project.
then came fall of 2013. in late july/august, my contract at my previous job ended, which (obviously) resulted in me being unemployed. this is still the case at the time of this writing (feb. 26th, 2014), but i say all this to say; after much time and money spent applying for various things in my area/surrounding cities, i soon realized that i’d be stuck at home with a bit more free time on my hands than i had previousy thought.
knowing this, i decided to finally give this idea the time and attention i had envisioned initially. and now here we are. as the project started to flourish, the original theme i had in mind was a bit lost for lack of a better word (especially in terms of timing for the completion/release), but it’s all fitting.
i think it’s fitting because this is how all of my projects have been. i’ve never been good at spending a really long (long meaning 2+ months) time on anything i make. if you notice, the first half of this LP is drastically different in terms of mood/tone/production in comparison to the the second half (track 7 and up).
this is because they were all created in succession at two seperate times, with me being in two different states mentally and emotionally. it’s all self-expression and ‘stream of consciousness’. i feel like i’m rambling, but what i’m trying to say is that although the album doesn’t really follow a clearly defined theme and is more so just me indirectly paying homage to some of my favorite artists, experiences, and other various things, it’s all still ‘fitting’ in my opinion because it is ‘me’. none of it was made with a pre-planned end result in mind.

now it’s time to see if any of this matters”

RIYL: Balam Acab, Howie B, L.Pierre, DJ Shadow, The Field