The Boats Faulty Toned Radio

Release Date: August 20th 2008
Format: CD / DIGITAL

夏の終わりを締めくくるflauの第7弾リリースは、マンチェスター出身の二人組The Boatsのニューアルバム。ロングセラーを記録した2ndアルバム『We Made It For You』以来久々となる全編インストゥルメンタルの本作は、デリケートな電子音とアコースティック・ギター、ピアノ、グロッケンシュピールなどの生楽器が 幾重にも折り重なったミニマル・アコースティック・サウンド。まるでアンティークのラジオから聴こえてきたかのような繊細な暖かみを持っています。

The 6th outing onto waters uncharted for the enigmatic Boats. Uncharted waters simply because The Boats refuse to be channeled into the niche so easily assigned to them.
Having been kindly approached by aus and the Flau stable from Japan, for a statement of their musical intent, The Boats obliged.
True to hearfelt form, they have generously delivered their most accomplished, and highly personal ships log to date. But listen closely, and dont get too comfortable with your dividing fencelines of genres as the horizon is blurred from on the ship’s deck by the haze of distance from familiar isles.
They’re still on the same ship, with distinctive melodies exclusive to them and the characteristic attention to detail, though they’ve discovered new lands within the electronic landscape by utilising both acoustic and digital navigation techniques and treating them to their unique shaping.
Never mind drawing inspiration from their personal circle of admirers and friends, as is almost a staple ingredient on a Boats record, but also this time from the circle without. This is most evident with the track names that show an almost forced humour at their musical pigeon-holing.
So, throw off your shackles, down the acoustic guitar, and allow the undulating textures reminiscent of the oceans to envelop your world. And lest we forget, don’t start with the Art, and get the Folk out of here.


Track List

Album Trailer


01 Get folk outta my face

02 Its not a folk its a knife 03 The melody mosquito

04 Harry, stop it please

05 As for substance

06 This is for you to read

07 The boats can't save you now

08 Cars, Bikes, Boats, Babes

09 Please correct me

10 This blotch is crossed

11 Hemihorn

Press Quotes

Modern living room dance music – Vital Weekly

unclassifiable electronic and acoustic song fragments…how honestly sentimental and unwaveringly lovely their music is – Boomkat (album of the week!)

The Boats present their most versatile effort yet, augmenting their drinking songs and sea shanties with digital processing techniques. – Cyclic Defrost

achingly beautiful, subtle but dramatic when it needs to be, reserved and chill when it makes sense – The Music Lobby

certainly the trip away from home pays off for Hargreaves and Tattersall as Faulty Toned Radio finds them retaining the essence of The Boats’ established sound while smartly extending it into new territory. – Textura

Une nouvelle pierre de taille dans une discographie foisonnante – Autres Directions

a terrific mood-setter to accompany any incandescently-lit evening at home – Indieville

The Boats Faulty Toned Radio

Release Date: August 20th 2008
Format: CD / DIGITAL

Track List

Album Trailer


01 Get folk outta my face

02 Its not a folk its a knife 03 The melody mosquito

04 Harry, stop it please

05 As for substance

06 This is for you to read

07 The boats can't save you now

08 Cars, Bikes, Boats, Babes

09 Please correct me

10 This blotch is crossed

11 Hemihorn

夏の終わりを締めくくるflauの第7弾リリースは、マンチェスター出身の二人組The Boatsのニューアルバム。ロングセラーを記録した2ndアルバム『We Made It For You』以来久々となる全編インストゥルメンタルの本作は、デリケートな電子音とアコースティック・ギター、ピアノ、グロッケンシュピールなどの生楽器が 幾重にも折り重なったミニマル・アコースティック・サウンド。まるでアンティークのラジオから聴こえてきたかのような繊細な暖かみを持っています。

The 6th outing onto waters uncharted for the enigmatic Boats. Uncharted waters simply because The Boats refuse to be channeled into the niche so easily assigned to them.
Having been kindly approached by aus and the Flau stable from Japan, for a statement of their musical intent, The Boats obliged.
True to hearfelt form, they have generously delivered their most accomplished, and highly personal ships log to date. But listen closely, and dont get too comfortable with your dividing fencelines of genres as the horizon is blurred from on the ship’s deck by the haze of distance from familiar isles.
They’re still on the same ship, with distinctive melodies exclusive to them and the characteristic attention to detail, though they’ve discovered new lands within the electronic landscape by utilising both acoustic and digital navigation techniques and treating them to their unique shaping.
Never mind drawing inspiration from their personal circle of admirers and friends, as is almost a staple ingredient on a Boats record, but also this time from the circle without. This is most evident with the track names that show an almost forced humour at their musical pigeon-holing.
So, throw off your shackles, down the acoustic guitar, and allow the undulating textures reminiscent of the oceans to envelop your world. And lest we forget, don’t start with the Art, and get the Folk out of here.