Henning Schmiedt Klavierraum

Release Date: July 2nd, 2008
Format: CD / DIGITAL

ジャズを出発点に、室内楽やワールド・ミュージックを消化し、世界をまたにかけて活躍するピアニストHenning Schmiedt。妊娠中の妻が暑い夏を心地よく過ごせるように、との想いから作られた本作『Klavierraum』は、その独特なスタイルから生まれた静謐な音響空間が美しいピアノ小品集。明確な構造と即興の間にある、純粋な音の美しさを響かせています。

2019年に再発、カバーの背景がクリーム色に変更となっています。現在は「Klavierraum, später」との2CD版が発売中です。

Henning Schmiedt’s solo album is a rendez-vous with piano solos. It is a very personal album by this artist who has been one of the greats on the international world music stage for years now as a composer, arranger and, of course, a pianist.

He himself describes the origins of his current solo album as follows: “The color WHITE is the one of the“piano room” (Klavierraum). It is the month of August, it’s hot, mywife is pregnant & she needs a room, where she would feel well. Just a beautiful room.
I wanted to do beautiful music for her, which fills space, sounding, and not a “must”.
‘White’ – simply my solo piano music, for ‘at home.’”


Track List

album trailer


01 240g Mehl

02 20g Zucker

03 3 Teelöffel Backpulver

04 1/2 Teelöffel Salz

05 110g Buttere

06 1 Ei

07 120cc Milch

08 Alles schön umrühren

09 Tee?

10 Teller? und Stuhl!

11 du und ich

12 Kla

13 vier

14 raum

15 hello

Press Quotes

I have to say I quite like this. Its very simple, beautiful music which will appeal to folks who like Hauschka, Brian Eno, Harold Budd – Norman Records

ピアノの音に最初に「美しい」と思わせたタッチの幻影または記憶をたどるよう…以前に発売されていた夥しい数の音楽を無用にしてしまうちからがある – Jazz Tokyo

ジャズ的な自由なコードから割ったフレーズ、旋律。印象派を思い起こさせる洒脱な音の積み方。また仄かに加えられるエティット、音響加工も相まって非常に独特でパーソナルながら開けた作品 – Intoxicate

Klavierraum comes in the wake of several piano albums from the likes of Goldmund and Peter Broderick, but the album dwells well outside anything that might be considered a fashion. The music here stands on its own. – The Milk Factory

Elegant and impressionistic, Schmiedt’s music will appeal to fans of Goldmund, Max Richter, Sylvain Chauveau, and Peter Broderick, though Schmiedt’s music is perhaps less minimal and more full-bodied by comparison – Textura

contemplatives d’Harold Budd (influence aisément palpable) et les improvisations impressionnistes de Keith Jarrett – Ondefixe

if you like this record even half as much as Henning does, it’ll be in your end of year top ten list…Klavierraum really is quite lovely, avoiding post-production high jinks for the most part, instead focussing on Henning’s impressive technique, with which he plots out sturdy melodic passages, or at times dispenses rapid-fire, hugely expressive keyboard runs, which despite their floridity ultimately exude a soothing, even meditative quality…Amazing Stuff – Boomkat

sous ses airs simples, est riche d’une belle pureté mélodique et de textures discrètes mais avenantes. – Autres Directions

Henning Schmiedt Klavierraum

Release Date: July 2nd, 2008
Format: CD / DIGITAL

Track List

album trailer


01 240g Mehl

02 20g Zucker

03 3 Teelöffel Backpulver

04 1/2 Teelöffel Salz

05 110g Buttere

06 1 Ei

07 120cc Milch

08 Alles schön umrühren

09 Tee?

10 Teller? und Stuhl!

11 du und ich

12 Kla

13 vier

14 raum

15 hello

ジャズを出発点に、室内楽やワールド・ミュージックを消化し、世界をまたにかけて活躍するピアニストHenning Schmiedt。妊娠中の妻が暑い夏を心地よく過ごせるように、との想いから作られた本作『Klavierraum』は、その独特なスタイルから生まれた静謐な音響空間が美しいピアノ小品集。明確な構造と即興の間にある、純粋な音の美しさを響かせています。

2019年に再発、カバーの背景がクリーム色に変更となっています。現在は「Klavierraum, später」との2CD版が発売中です。

Henning Schmiedt’s solo album is a rendez-vous with piano solos. It is a very personal album by this artist who has been one of the greats on the international world music stage for years now as a composer, arranger and, of course, a pianist.

He himself describes the origins of his current solo album as follows: “The color WHITE is the one of the“piano room” (Klavierraum). It is the month of August, it’s hot, mywife is pregnant & she needs a room, where she would feel well. Just a beautiful room.
I wanted to do beautiful music for her, which fills space, sounding, and not a “must”.
‘White’ – simply my solo piano music, for ‘at home.’”