The Boats Our Small Ideas

Release Date: June 7th, 2012

元Hood、The Remote ViewerのCraig Tattersall とAndrew Hargreavesによるマンチェスターのフォークトロニカ・デュオ、『Sleepy Insect Music』に続くレアトラック集第2弾。
The Boatsが運営する自主レーベルからリリースされた初期の名作「Our Small Ideas」を中心に、本国のみで限定発売されたツアーEP、未発表曲など、どこか人肌を感じるエレクトロニクスとギターを中心とした生楽器を、繊細に構築したノスタルジックな楽曲を全19曲収録。盟友Danny Norbury、Need More Sourcesとしても活躍するChris Stuartらがゲスト参加。ausによるリミックスも収録。

Thinking back Our Small Ideas was a return to our bedroom recording past. Where recordings were made quietly in the early hours so as not to disturb the neighbors. Our Small Ideas is the not quite album we made while working on our ‘electronic’ debut for Flau. Some of these songs would be revisited on our grown up records in the future, but somehow the naive charm of the original was lost.  The album has always been a favorite of ours and we are tickled pink that Flau have decided to release this new edition giving more people get a chance to hear this album.

The Boats Summer 2012

Originally released as a super limited edition CD-R back in 2008 this new edition includes a further seven tracks of hard to find or previously unreleased material.

Our Small Ideas finds The Boats operating at their most fragile and mysterious. Softly plucked guitars riding on rusty music box chimes emerge form a hiss filled either. Distorted vocals covered in a blanket of hiss and hum. Clicks from un-tuned radios create a jerky rhythm that some how hold the delicate parts together as a whole. This is skewed pop at its finest and most beguiling, melancholic melodies throwing spears of hope.


Track List

Album Preview


01 You Need To See Through Better Eyes

02 Information For Employers

03 Please Return

04 Raindrops Remain (First)

05 Personal Evacuation Plan

06 We Sometimes Forget

07 Procedure Details

08 A Party At Break-Neck Speed

09 This Song Has Been Intentionally Left Blank

10 They Gave Me This To Keep Me Quiet

11 At Little Time

12 Through Leaf Filtered Light (First)

13 I Had Forgotten How To Look Over The Sides

14 Things Can Only Get Bitter

15 Raindrops (version)

16 Little Song At Little Time (remixed by aus)

17 The List Of Our Mistakes (Boats Remix)

18 You Didn't Expect Me To Care

19 May Our Enimies Never Find Happiness (Boats Remix)

Press Quotes

It captures the (then) duo in organic early hours territory making some of their most intimate, rustic, twinkly sounds….a definitive album of their career (9/10) – Norman Records

“Our Small Ideas” is the most bewitching Boats album since 2005’s lovely “We Made It For You” and will make for the perfect musical accompaniment for those dense winter evenings and misty early hours.Boomkat

innocent and intimate come to mind as the electronic pop miniatures fill the room – Textura

warmth and minimalism, restrained melody and romance… Their music reminds of having a rest in a house at a lake, close to fireplace in house slippers – Sound Proector

Petite boucle mélodique toute mignonne à base de toy-piano, glockenspiel ou boîte à musique – EtherREAL

The Boats Our Small Ideas

Release Date: June 7th, 2012

Track List

Album Preview


01 You Need To See Through Better Eyes

02 Information For Employers

03 Please Return

04 Raindrops Remain (First)

05 Personal Evacuation Plan

06 We Sometimes Forget

07 Procedure Details

08 A Party At Break-Neck Speed

09 This Song Has Been Intentionally Left Blank

10 They Gave Me This To Keep Me Quiet

11 At Little Time

12 Through Leaf Filtered Light (First)

13 I Had Forgotten How To Look Over The Sides

14 Things Can Only Get Bitter

15 Raindrops (version)

16 Little Song At Little Time (remixed by aus)

17 The List Of Our Mistakes (Boats Remix)

18 You Didn't Expect Me To Care

19 May Our Enimies Never Find Happiness (Boats Remix)

元Hood、The Remote ViewerのCraig Tattersall とAndrew Hargreavesによるマンチェスターのフォークトロニカ・デュオ、『Sleepy Insect Music』に続くレアトラック集第2弾。
The Boatsが運営する自主レーベルからリリースされた初期の名作「Our Small Ideas」を中心に、本国のみで限定発売されたツアーEP、未発表曲など、どこか人肌を感じるエレクトロニクスとギターを中心とした生楽器を、繊細に構築したノスタルジックな楽曲を全19曲収録。盟友Danny Norbury、Need More Sourcesとしても活躍するChris Stuartらがゲスト参加。ausによるリミックスも収録。

Thinking back Our Small Ideas was a return to our bedroom recording past. Where recordings were made quietly in the early hours so as not to disturb the neighbors. Our Small Ideas is the not quite album we made while working on our ‘electronic’ debut for Flau. Some of these songs would be revisited on our grown up records in the future, but somehow the naive charm of the original was lost.  The album has always been a favorite of ours and we are tickled pink that Flau have decided to release this new edition giving more people get a chance to hear this album.

The Boats Summer 2012

Originally released as a super limited edition CD-R back in 2008 this new edition includes a further seven tracks of hard to find or previously unreleased material.

Our Small Ideas finds The Boats operating at their most fragile and mysterious. Softly plucked guitars riding on rusty music box chimes emerge form a hiss filled either. Distorted vocals covered in a blanket of hiss and hum. Clicks from un-tuned radios create a jerky rhythm that some how hold the delicate parts together as a whole. This is skewed pop at its finest and most beguiling, melancholic melodies throwing spears of hope.