Henning Schmiedt Piano Miniatures

Release Date: DIGITAL 2022-9-16 / PHYSICAL 2022-9-28

マリー・セフェリアンとのデュオ nous のアルバムを挟み、現在もロングセラーを続ける前作Piano Diary の姉妹作ともいえるソロピアノ・アルバムが完成しました。
Piano Miniaturesは、小さな映画音楽、ミニソナタ、歌曲、小さな交響曲など、まるで顕微鏡で見たような音楽を、小さなフォーマットで表現したという小品集。


Henning Schmiedt – Piano Miniatures

When playing the pieces from Piano Miniatures, I felt like I was back to my childhood.

I was back to the games of that time, how I made trees, horses, small locomotives, mini castles, and entire miniature cities from building blocks. It was so exciting to do it all myself. To be completely immersed in the game and to look at and design everything from above simultaneously.

That is still my ideal when playing the piano, and it is in this spirit I created my piano miniatures.

The fifteen titles are works in small format, music as if viewed under a microscope: small film scores, mini sonatas, songs, tiny symphonies.


Track List

1. soon

2. since

3. stille nacht

4. early

5. awake

6. if

7. near

8. sometimes

9. therefore

10. my fathers shoes

11. us

12. because

13. flow

14. close

15. recently

Press Quotes

It’s full of warmth, full of beautiful melodies gently played. Yes, it is one of many felted piano albums that have been released in the recent years, but its quality and purpose really stands apart…This album is an aural embodiment of that loving hug; it’s full of warmth and innocent wonder. If the adult world is becoming too much, Henning Schmiedt offers you an exquisite escape – A Closer Listen

una combinazione di istinto fanciullesco e razionalità compositiva, che procede per minuti blocchi sonori giustapposti in sequenza – Music Won’ts Save You / Rockerilla

Amore per la melodia espresso attraverso cristalline partiture pianistiche intrise di emozione profonda…Un diario in musica ricco di nostalgica quiete – So What

fragil und grazil, aber auch aufgeweckt und neugierig –  Gezeitenstrom

潜在的に記憶する感情の揺れを人情過ぎず印象深くメロディーにしたためるピアノ。静謐さと繊細さを感じる巧みな音響処理に、子供時代のノスタルジーが昇華された愛らしい一枚 – Pastel Records

Interview by Mikiki/TOWER RECORDS
Henning Schmiedt 自身と対話し続けるピアニストが語った、数奇な音楽半生と2つのピアノ作」

Henning Schmiedt Piano Miniatures

Release Date: DIGITAL 2022-9-16 / PHYSICAL 2022-9-28

Track List

1. soon

2. since

3. stille nacht

4. early

5. awake

6. if

7. near

8. sometimes

9. therefore

10. my fathers shoes

11. us

12. because

13. flow

14. close

15. recently

マリー・セフェリアンとのデュオ nous のアルバムを挟み、現在もロングセラーを続ける前作Piano Diary の姉妹作ともいえるソロピアノ・アルバムが完成しました。
Piano Miniaturesは、小さな映画音楽、ミニソナタ、歌曲、小さな交響曲など、まるで顕微鏡で見たような音楽を、小さなフォーマットで表現したという小品集。


Henning Schmiedt – Piano Miniatures

When playing the pieces from Piano Miniatures, I felt like I was back to my childhood.

I was back to the games of that time, how I made trees, horses, small locomotives, mini castles, and entire miniature cities from building blocks. It was so exciting to do it all myself. To be completely immersed in the game and to look at and design everything from above simultaneously.

That is still my ideal when playing the piano, and it is in this spirit I created my piano miniatures.

The fifteen titles are works in small format, music as if viewed under a microscope: small film scores, mini sonatas, songs, tiny symphonies.


Interview by Mikiki/TOWER RECORDS
Henning Schmiedt 自身と対話し続けるピアニストが語った、数奇な音楽半生と2つのピアノ作」